We thought about it and decided it was worth it. :) We must have ESPN and the Food Network. True Confession #1: I'm a food network junkie. True Confession #2: I know the chefs and I have favorite shows. True Confession #3: I would seriously love to be the next food network star except that I hate public speaking and probably wouldn't actually want to be in front of a camera but look at the kitchens and ingredients! :) Andrew is, of course, crazy about football. And you see, therein lie our interests and passions. And if we are going to actually watch tv, we would rather watch something we enjoy.
So, we have dish. We'll see if we like it - the best part, we now have DVR so we can record games, cooking shows, movies etc. to watch when we have time. You may think less of us and that's okay - just remember that when you come for a gourmet meal it may be in part thanks to dish network. :)
We have DISH too and we love it. The cable goes out a lot where we live, but not the DISH!
I love the BABY FIRST channel for Hannah. Now,if we could only figure out how to use the DVR.....
I wish TV would let you pick only a few channels or shows too. I would so quickly dump the Junk For Jesus stations (we get FOUR very clearly for some reason) in favor of ESPN and the History Channel and that channel that has all the decorating and "wedding story" and that kind of stuff. :)
It is great to have channels that are enjoyable to watch and the DVR service is awesome, no commercials! I hope you guys enjoy your channels. :)
I think no less of you:) We get only the 4 local stations that we can see. Kind of annoying but good because I lack self control when it comes to television. Whenever we are at a hotel or I'm in the hospital I can't help but have the channel turned to turned to the history channel or HGTV. Now the DVR thing- that's would be the best! Have fun.
We went to dish a few months ago for the very reasons you shared. We only care about a few channels, but of course, they aren't on the free, network channels. That's how the cable/dish companies make money. I still think they should prorate cost per channel so you could pick which ones you want...kinda like a cafeteria. Wouldn't that be nice? We got a DVR at the same time too, and it has been wonderful. We rarely miss a show we like, even when we don't know they are on, and we rarely watch commercials anymore. I love the guide feature too, so you don't have to channel surf and you know a little bit about the show before hand. So I don't look down on you and I want a gourmet meal! I'm addicted to HGTV, so I'll decorate your living room for one...deal?
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