Monday, June 15, 2009

This Guy... walking! He's been taking steps and trying for several weeks and it's been official for about a week! He walks across the room and can turn around. He is SO proud of himself and laughs with glee (yes, I said glee :)). He looks around to see who is watching and encourages cheering. His big brothers think it's pretty awesome and his parents are pretty proud. :) He is 10 months today - where has the time gone?!


B.D.Riehl said...

Wow! That's amazing! I know a little girl that is 17 months and still not walking! So does this make your life easier with three walking boys? He is so cute, by the way :)

Micah said...

Yeah, Titus!!! You're such a big boy now, and oh so cute! Gotta keep up with those big brothers, right?!?

Jennifer said...

Yay! Go Ty!

Very exciting for you to I'm sure. 10 months! Wow! Are you sure? :-) Time flies so fast.

Anonymous said...

Hooray Titus! Congrats to you!

Merrilee said...

Now he is on his way!!!! Yay Ty!!!

Monica said...

Noooo..... Don't do it, Titus. Be mommy's little baby just a while longer.

Thad and Ann said...

oh wow! Go Ty! He is so adorable.

Heather said...

Walking - how exciting!!!

Jen said...

YAY Titus! What a big boy...

Jodee said...

Way to go, Titus!

Jen L said...

Once again awesome picture! You have talent for capturing the best moments on film!

Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

Did I see you at Kazapalooza? We didn't speak but I did think I saw hubby and the boys. It was crazy next year I hope to get to talk to more folks. Gena, Jaimie and Berik