I am remiss in posting about Calvin's 6th (!) birthday! Last Thursday marked the day. It was with MUCH excitement that he anticipated his big day. He decided to go to Conner Prairie and we invited a few friends to come along. It was the most beautiful day we've head in the past 10 days or so - sunny and 60. First we had presents and donuts as well as a short visit with Andrew's cousin and soon-to-be married in cousin, then our trip to Conner Prairie and finally, a movie night with hamburgers and fries, cupcakes (his choice!), and vanilla/chocolate swirl ice cream. Here are a pictures of his fabulous day:
Such good friends. Patrick was thrilled with the legos he picked for Calvin's birthday gift! |
He is so sweet about all of his presents! |
Enjoying a "horse" ride with one of his friends. |
He still loves to take on various characters. |
Holding the goat was probably a highlight - for him, not the goat. :) |
Wood working - it took a lot of concentration. |
My favorite boys in the whole world! |
So fun having friends meet us there! |
Gorgeous day and great company! |
A little stoic - getting ready to blow out the 6 candles! |
Dear Calvin,
What a joy and delight you are to our family! I'm amazed that the little boy that I met 4 1/2 years ago is now a big six year old!
This year you have really shown an interest in art. You are rarely without a paper and pen. You are learning to read and doing very well in school. Sometimes I think I'm not challenging you enough! You continue to work on clear speech and I'm so proud of your dedication to it. You are still a trooper when it comes to your cleft appointments and handle it all with grace.
Calvin, you ask deep questions and constantly want to learn. You tell me how much you love God and it makes my heart rejoice. You talk about how you came to be a part of our family frankly and openly and I love that you are comfortable enough to discuss adoption and your "tummy" mom. I hope you always feel that freedom.
Your favorite thing to tell me is that you love me more. And when I assure you that you couldn't possibly love me more than I love you, you respond with a litany of how much you love me. I can't help but smile and hug you close. You are also very complimentary and tell me when you like what I'm wearing or how I look. You are a sweet son. A good big brother. And an awesome person.
I'm incredibly thankful to God for bringing us together. You were born in a country far, far away and I wanted to be a Mommy so much. I still can't fathom how I was blessed enough to become
your Mom. I want you to know that I loved you before I met you, before I even knew about you, you were in my heart. God knew that we needed each other.
I love you always and forever, no matter what, Calvin.