Wow, it's been a little while since I posted. We are having such a wonderful summer and have been on the go a lot! Here are a few pictures from our trip to the zoo with Uncle Noah & Uncle Wesley last week. The new Ocean's exhibit at the zoo is really great but very popular - Calvin touched a shark but Patrick wasn't so interested. They both fed the giraffes and thought it was pretty cool (quite the rip off at $1 for one piece of sweet potato but worth it for the excitement - I broke it in half instead of paying for two :)). Calvin loved petting the goat and probably would have stayed there all day; he loves animals and has no fear which can be good and bad.

When the boys were finished seeing each animal, they would wave good-bye. In fact, waving has become an important part of our routine - especially for Calvin. He waves at EVERYTHING (his blanket, room, toys, cup, etc.), the best part is that it signals the end of things for him which helps with obedience. Patrick has been working on obedience and is doing a great job at following 2-3 step instructions. He laughs all the time and has become extremely cuddly and affectionate which we all love!

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