Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Of All Days

Tonight is the boys' Christmas program at school. And this is what I found this morning:

Of course it's today. It couldn't be any other day.
And yes, I might have laughed a little to myself. How could you not?
And he may have a very red face from the scrubbing.
Sigh. Boys. :)
I think he's "lookin' like a Daddy" which I believe was the goal.


Jill said...


Jennifer said...

You probably already know this since you are a domestic goddess!, but if it's just plain ink, hairspray will take it right off with very little scrubbing. Just spray/spritz some on a kleenex until saturated and wipe. If it's one of those marker pens, yikes!

Good luck!!

Gretchen said...

Ah boys indeed! Too funny but I am sure you will get it off in time. :)

Anonymous said...

Silly Calvin! At least they keep you laughing!

Stephanie said...

Oh Calvin. :) I think that is just the beginning for you, you know?!

Smith Family Blog said...

So cute!!!

Smith Family Blog said...
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Ashley A. Judd said...

He just wanted some faux facial hair to impress all the ladies.

Jen L said...

Way funny! I had marker face boy a couple of weeks ago myself and I could help but laugh. At least they were washable for me.

Thad and Ann said...

hahaha! yes, "boys!". :) I had one that used a RED sharpie one time. sigh.

Monica said...

That's awesome. I think he looks just like Andrew:)

Amy K said...

Aw, Calvin does look handsome with a goatee.

A few weeks ago Clara drew all over her face, hands, arms, and did a very thorough job on her pale pink pants. I washed them like 10x but it never fully came out.