Sunday, June 25, 2006


Well, Andrew has gone to Boston for a few days to see his brother. I’m glad they get to spend some time together and that we finally found a time for it to work. BUT, I really miss him. I just don’t feel complete. Normal activities don’t seem right and I don’t like going places alone.

Andrew flew out yesterday morning. He told me on Thursday night that his flight was at 6:20 in the morning on a Saturday! I was not thrilled but couldn’t let him sleep in the airport as he offered (like I would even consider it!).

I had a blast with Jen last night. We realized we are getting old though…we were drowsy way before midnight but lasted until 12. I remember when 2 & 3 a.m. were the norm for our slumber parties. :)

Well, here’s to hoping the next couple of days go fast and Andrew comes home soon!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Electricity is one of those things I take for granted.  Just about everything productive requires it to some extent (cleaning, laundry, cooking…etc).  Twice this week, we have been without power for extended periods of time (6+ hours the 1st and 3+ hours the 2nd time).  We’ve enjoyed the excuse to go to someone else’s house both times (thanks Koons and Mom & Dad) but the truth is, once the power goes out, we feel a little helpless.  We don’t want to open the fridge or freezer for fear of letting the coolness out, we don’t have flashlights, matches, & candles prepared for such events…you get the idea.  We just generally can’t imagine the power company failing us. :)  

It’s funny for us to think that we are “roughing it” when we camp or get away to a primitive cabin.  We’re prepared for each moment of darkness without power and we congratulate ourselves when we complete our adventure.  

I am aware that many people have lived without electricity in generations past and even some conservative groups today, but it makes you realize how much our society depends on and is shaped by electrical power.  Our lives have become defined by technology.  We think we cannot live without computers, microwaves, televisions, and whatever else.  Even our phones these days with all their high-tech advances like rechargeable batteries and cordless options require electricity.  What an interesting experiment to turn off everyone’s power for even 24 hours.  I think that 24 hours would bring families, neighborhoods, and communities together.  We would appreciate one another more, communicate better, and be reminded of what is really important in life.  

All of that said, I certainly am not ready to give up power.  It helps save lives, is convenient, and is overall a wonderful invention!  

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Odds & Ends

We have the best dog ever!  She is so sweet and so loving.  Unfortunately, she does not like it when we leave her at home for the weekend.  She is never as good for the sitter - she looks all over the house for us and has accidents.  I guess we should be happy that she knows us so well, but it’s a little frustrating especially since she has been an angel for us since we arrived home.  Oh well, we wouldn’t trade her for anything, she has been so good for us and was the perfect addition to our family.  


We enjoyed a fantastic weekend with a few of my cousins and their spouses/fiancée.  We stayed in a cabin close to Turkey Run.  One thing about my family is that there is always wonderful food…we ate like kings all weekend!  Saturday, we hiked for a couple of miles and then took an 8-mile canoe trip.  The weather was wonderful!   We enjoyed games, fellowship, campfire, food, reminiscing and mostly just being a family.  


A friend of ours got married today!  Congrats to Dave and his bride.  We wish you all the happiness in the world!  May your love for one another grow with each passing day and may you serve God better together than you ever could have apart!


A week has passed since we learned about our beautiful son, Patrick.  It was a great week knowing about our precious little one.  We gaze at his pictures and can’t imagine life without him and pray for all the details to work out.  We hope that each week will pass as quickly as this past one.  We have lots to do between now and traveling, but really we just want to bring our baby home!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Football Season...Already?!

So, I’m going to take a stab at fantasy football this year.  I watch enough football to finally understand most of the rules (and the point) of the game…it’s only taken me several years (thank you, Jon & Jason for trying to help me in college!).  

There are maybe 2 months of the year that football is not the constant topic of conversation in our house, okay, maybe 3-4 months.  Andrew was introduced to fantasy football a few years ago and has played ever since…the draft date for this year was a big concern – so much so, that in late April/early May he wanted to set a date.  I find myself amused by the importance of football in general and specifically to the male species.  That said, I do enjoy the game…at least the 1st and 4th quarter, I believe the 2nd and 3rd quarters are for napping with perhaps a brief interruption for the half-time.  This will perhaps change as I watch to see how “my” players are performing this year!  

I’m determined to keep up with and hopefully outscore Andrew.  We aren’t in the same league but we will definitely be competing…that’s half the fun.  My challenge right now is coming up with a team name – the colors will be red and white (of course!).  My plan is to beat the franchise with the black and orange (Catherine, I’m hoping you break out the orange nail polish for the season! :).  

The draft should be interesting…I think I’ll pass on Rothlesberger but hope he feels better soon.  I fully expect him to start an ad campaign on motorcycle safety – helmets in particular.  

If you have any suggestions on a team name, I will certainly consider all entries*.  I am looking for something creative, fierce, and competitive with a touch of femininity. :)  

*With the exception of entries from the chics in the league! :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Little More Info

Thank you all for sharing in our exciting news!!!  Many people have asked when we will be traveling; it looks like August will be the earliest.  We are hoping sooner but trying to prepare for later.  You can continue to pray for us as we wait and trust!  

We learned that Patrick is rolling and crawling – advanced, particularly for a child in an orphanage.  He weighs about 15 lbs.  We loved him before we knew him and now that we see him…well, we can’t stop looking at his picture!  We pray that time will pass quickly with no further delays and that he will be ours forever very soon.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Back in the Saddle

     As a child and teenager, I loved to ride my bike – first with my family in western Kansas, where my brother and I often explored the countryside outside town via limestone-gravel roads, and more recently on the backroads of Indiana.  With first John Hanson and then my dad, I helped lead several longer distance, week long rides.  (For example, one year we rode from Indianapolis to southern Illinois and back, about 540 miles in six days.)  I also learned to love mountain biking, but that’s the subject of another post!
     In recent years, however, I’ve spent more time watching other people ride and dreaming of riding my own bike than actually riding.  My trusty “steed” has gathered dust in my garage, the air slowly leaking out of its tires.
     So it was with no small measure of delight that yesterday I accepted an invitation to go for a ride with my neighbor.  After airing up my completely flat tires, we loaded our bikes on the back of his SUV and set off for the Monon Trail.  We had a blast riding from Broadripple north to Carmel and back.  I had never been on the Monon Trail, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  A couple hours later, we had ridden almost 21 miles, and I was recalling tips I had shared with others to increase endurance.  
     A little to my surprise, I really don’t have sore muscles today.  The only thing that’s really sore – and it’s very sore – is where I met the saddle.  Ouch!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

7-10 Days!

So, the Falk family will not be having puppies anytime soon.  After much debate, Pippi visited the vet for some permanent, no-puppies-ever, surgery.  Yep, she is spayed!  I felt a little bad even though I know it was the right decision and I definitely know that I don’t want puppies!  She is just an animal but we felt bad that we couldn’t explain to her what was going on – after all, we made the decision to take away her womanhood.

All went well until they gave us the post-op instructions – no jumping, running, exercising, or any kind of excessive activity for 7-10 days, 7-10 days!!!  In case you haven’t met our dog, this goes against every fiber of her being!  I think we can manage 2-3 days of this requirement but 7-10 days?!  She is already trying to jump on things and run.  She loves to play and she loves to spend time with people.  So right now, Pippi is spending some extended time in her crate.  

The vet sent home pain meds home but said she hadn’t needed any so far.  The receptionist said that Pippi might try to pull the pity card on us.  She has – she woke us up early this morning by crying and whining in her crate.  But we are afraid to give her any medicine that might make her feel well enough to be more active!  

Sorry Pippi, you may never understand, but we want to keep you around…only you, none of your offspring.  And most of all, we never want you to go through heat again.