Sunday, Calvin and Patrick were baptized. It was a wonderful celebration for us and we take our vows very seriously. We were thankful our pastor had gone over all the vows earlier in the week as we were a bit distracted by our active little boys. The icing on the cake was Calvin taking off his shoe and throwing it with all his might across the platform and looking incredibly pleased with himself as he tried to do the same with his sock. Patrick also violently shook his head as the pastor asked us whether we would read the Bible, pray etc. Overall, they were very good, though – no tears. :)
The boys had a great time opening presents – by Christmas Day, they had the hang of it. They are enjoying their new toys and Mommy loves their new clothes. We also received a wonderful toy organizer from Nana & Papa which is helping with our toy messes. We gave the boys animal cell phones and little animal bikes – they are still learning what to do with the bikes but have the phones down (as noted in our previous post). They received several books, blocks made by Uncle Peter, and many other things. Mom & Dad were the happy recipients of a digital camera and photo printer. The boys loved spending time with people which was great but the past few days have been a little rough. We were reminded again that we need to make sure and spend plenty of time at home as they continue to adjust. Fortunately, Andrew has been able to be home quite a bit this week. Hopefully by next week our schedule will be back to normal. Here are a couple pictures - blogger is giving us trouble so we will post more pictures later.
Checking out their stockings! They were thrilled with the puffs!
so fun and cute :)
Sorry you are paying for all the excitment with some tough days... remember... these will pass too :)
It sounds like you had such a fun Christmas! The baptism was beautiful and I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at Calvin's funny antics!!! :D
Wow I would have totally laughed at Calvin's antics...that is so funny!
It was so great to see you and boys!
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