Thursday, October 15, 2009

Those Days

Today has been one of those days. You know, the day were nothing seems to go right. I am weary and overwhelmed and I might have even shed a few tears - please don't tell. Parenthood sometimes stretches you beyond what you feel you can possibly handle. Sometimes it requires decisions that punish you as much as them - you know, taking away privileges like getting together with friends.

The boys and I leave in just a couple of days to go away for the week and I think we need that time to work on some character, to spend time together, and to start fresh when we come back. It will be good for all of us - although we will miss Andrew a TON.

I love them with all of my heart. And tomorrow is a new day.


Anonymous said...

Ah motherhood! You go from a great day/post to a not-so-great one in twenty four hours and no doubt by tomorrow will be somewhere else entirely! Keep your chin up.

Jodee said...

I completely agree -- parenting is sooo hard! Hang in there!

Mama10EE said...

We've had THOSE days too....praying for a good night's sleep for ALL parties involved and a brighter day tomorrow.

Thad and Ann said...

Hope today is a better day! I am always so thankful to see THOSE days end & know tomorrow is a brand new day. Hugs!

Micah said...

I don't know what you mean! We never have any of "those days" ;-P. This past week has acutally been one of "those weeks". Yes, it has lasted a whole week. I hope your trip is super fun!!!

Amy K said...

Oh, well I DID shed tears today. And it was one of those lucky days, too, where my kids weren't even being that bad, I was just so tired. And it didn't help that the grocery store was out of butternut squash and I need it for a recipe. A grocery store not having an ingredient didn't used to be that big of a deal, except now I have to drag 2.5 kids out in the freezing rain. :-/ Parenting is really hard. Especially when you have a husband who works a lot of hours. That's my conclusion.

Monica said...

You're a wonderful mother and have every right to a good cry now and then. It's therapy for the overwhelmed, so I think I'll join you:)