Monday, August 31, 2009
Breaking Silence
Thank you all for your prayers and kind and encouraging words. I'm honestly amazed at how differently I feel from a week ago (and no, my monthly visitor seriously had nothing to do with it). Not to say there won't be tough days and months still to come (aren't there always in life?) and not to say everything is perfect (it isn't) but I am encouraged and challenged and learning a lot!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
One Quick Thing

Bye for Awhile
That said, I'm incredibly thankful for my husband who is my best friend and my children who make me smile every single day. And I'm thankful for all of you who stop by my little corner of the web. I'll probably be back but in the mean time, I'm going to be scarce in all of blogland. That's all I care to share right now and I'll be okay. :) I'm reachable via e-mail during my blog silence (you can find the address on my profile).
I did forget to note one milestone that happened in our family this week - it will post later today.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I'm working to get more organized and ready for each day. I will admit that the crafts are a bit daunting for me - just not my thing. :) But I'm excited to see how it will all work and the boys enthusiasm is inspiring. So today (while the boys are at school at Ty is napping) is my get-the-school-corner-ready day. :) I headed to the store and picked up several things and have been gathering craft supplies and school supplies from around the house to a more central location. While we have already started homeschool, I'm hoping tomorrow will be our more formal start. Praying for a great year of learning and growing together and praying for lots of patience! :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
What Inspires You?
I love it when I have time to wander through the grocery store and allow myself to take in all the ingredients, the fresh produce, the cheese (a rarity, thus I'm not generally a fan of grocery shopping :)). I can't help but occasionally splurge on an item like fresh mozzarella - it begs to be used. I delight in making food that my family and friends enjoy. And I thoroughly enjoy dreaming up new recipes and thinking about new ingredients. So, I think it's fair to say that food inspires me. What inspires you?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I froze most of them to be used in pies, cobblers, syrups, sauces, and smoothies. I picked 19 1/2 pounds in less than 2 hours. Not bad.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
1st Day of School
Not the best picture but what can I say - it was very sunny on the front porch and we wanted to quickly get a picture with Daddy before he left for work. :) Calvin was especially proud of his new shoes which he thinks look like Papa's shoes (my dad). The boys were so pleased to take their lunches in their new lunch boxes but were concerned that they didn't have anything in their back packs yet. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Cupcakes!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Birthday Party Pics
We had a Carnival for Ty's birthday which included:
Ring Toss
Basketball Throw
Bean Bag Toss
Floating Cups
Train Ride
Face Painting
Puppet Making
Circus Coloring Pages
Bounce House
Cotton Candy
Candy Shop
And LOTS & LOTS of prizes
The kids (there were 23 or so of all ages) all had tickets and each game or treat cost 1 ticket. They raced around and I think they all had a good time. Titus mostly took it all in and watched everyone - he tried his hand at a few games but didn't want a train ride and wouldn't dare go in the bounce house. :)
Taking it all in from the safety of my arms.
Cautiously excited (and a little confused) about the cupcake and candle.
Digging in and starting to smear the frosting.
Definitely more into the frosting than the cupcake - he eventually threw the cupcake overboard. :)
Taking a rest in the midst of his day.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
1st Birthday Letter
Wow sweet boy, can you possibly be one? This year has flown by as you have grown and changed and though I didn't think there was any way you could get any sweeter, you have. And so here I am, writing your very first birthday letter.
I'll never forget the day you were born. I think I might have cried a gallon of tears. I was so happy and so nervous. You were very little and you had a rough start. I saw you in your incubator and couldn't believe that you could possibly be ours. To me, you were perfect and beautiful. I was almost afraid to hold you because you seemed so tiny. Your dad and I couldn't get enough of you as we rocked you and held you constantly. When we got home, your brothers were so attentive and gentle in caring for you. They were so happy to have a little brother. We were all thrilled and relieved when you became legally forever a part of our family in November - I might have shed a few more tears then, too. I'm a little emotional like that as you will learn.
Titus, we love you so much! You bring so much joy to our lives. We seriously cannot believe what a perfect addition you are to our family. We look forward to seeing what this next year will bring for you as you continue to be a blessing to your dad and me.
I love you forever and always, no matter what. Happy 1st Birthday, Son!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Can It Be?
I cannot believe our baby is one - this year has flown by! More of a post tomorrow - we had big party today and I'm exhausted! :) This week has been emotional for me as I've thought of how Titus came to be in our family and have also thought very much of C.
Friday, August 14, 2009
And Finally...

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Family Pictures!
Two of our cute bell ringers - the third was not so sure about the pictures. :)
Sisters - no longer J's - we all have different last names.
All the J girls - doesn't Mom look gorgeous?!