Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Food Thoughts
Lately, I've been contemplating food - taking the time to enjoy it, making it interesting, and sharing it. I've fallen off the menu planning band wagon for the past few weeks and I miss it. But mostly I've just been thinking about what a gift food is and how I don't really want it to be a chore. It's a way I show love to my family, appreciate God's creation, and express my creativity.
The cooler weather is inspiring me to try new recipes, read more books (I'm currently in the middle of a very interesting food memoir), and experiment with different vegetables and fruits. It's been fun - if only the kitchen would clean itself! Actually, my amazing husband is awesome about helping with the dishes and he loves it when I try new recipes.
While we enjoy eating out occasionally, we've also been working to cut expenses and eating out is one of the ways we are doing that. It motivates me to spend a little extra time planning and making nice meals for my family and it encourages me to schedule date-nights-in with Andrew.
All that to say, I appreciate that food was given to us not only for our sustenance but for our enjoyment. What have you been making lately?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Can't Really Think of a Title...
I've been cooking fall food - things with pumpkin and apples as well as soups, bread, and stews. Yum! I'm not crazy about the fact that fall leads to winter but even so, fall is one of my favorite seasons. We are supposed to go camping overnight this weekend and fall camping is delightfully chilly. I've also enjoyed my first (and second, but who's counting?) pumpkin spice latte. Delicious!
Fall cleaning is kind of underway. Clothes are mostly switched out. I'm on the hunt for new curtains for my family room. And lists of things to do are long but frequently abandoned for the enjoyment of the day.
And sadly, my sweet baby is under the weather - so he is tired (but not sleeping particularly well) and cranky and therefore, I am tired. So tired. I think it might just be this wonderful thing of being a mom but seriously, I'm exhausted (always!) and already thinking of heading to bed for the night. Three boys down, a gracious husband headed to the store for a few things, and a tired mommy getting ready to sign off and to go watch DWTS. :)
Have a great night and I'll try to think of something more interesting for tomorrow!
I never get tired of photographing my kids - Titus is especially photogenic these days! So, you'll just have to continue to endure my photos because I just have to share! :) Hope he feels better tomorrow!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Homeschool Corner
They are practicing writing letters and numbers, tracing, cutting, and coloring. We are also working on letter sounds, counting, singing, learning Bible verses and our address. We enjoy reading, too. Not all of that happens each day but it's some of what we have been doing. And last week was pretty miserable on the homeschool front but we are back at it. :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Best Kind of Day...
I'm not going to post any people pictures of their homecoming or of Kidest - though I took many. :) This is their special day and their memories - they will post pictures when they are ready. I will tell you that she is gorgeous and smiley and the perfect addition to their family. And I will post a couple of pictures of my family at the airport. It brought back such wonderful memories for us - it's been almost three years since we arrived home with our first two.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Great-Grandpa decided that our three were a little like The 3 Stooges. :) He played with them and they loved it! Titus would periodically wander into his room, wave, and visit for a couple of minutes. The boys would run in and give him hugs. And we all watched some of his funny shows with him on his new tv/dvd combo. There was definitely lots of activity in the house!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Animals on the Farm
Anyway, Calvin and Patrick LOVED the animals on the farm - especially the dogs and cats. Calvin could not get enough of them and I'm sure the cats were anxious to see us go (as evidenced by the final picture). :) I'm allergic to cats - otherwise there is no way we could have left without an adorable kitten.
Andrew's uncle and cousin are dairy farmers so it was alot of fun to be on a working dairy to come.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Where to Start?!
(As a side note: Calvin had a nasty bruise/goose egg on his forehead - boys! They are rough and tumble! It is just starting to heal up from a week and half ago. Sigh.)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kids - 3
Hours in the car - 31
Visiting hours -52
Pictures taken - 283
Miles travelled - 1,680
Arrived home - 4:30
Hosted party - 7:30
Memories made - PRICELESS!
We had a great and all too short of trip to NY this weekend to visit Andrew's grandpa and extended family. Pictures to come. We are so tired. Thanks to Uncle Don, Aunt Gwen, & cousins for having us!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Not A Good First
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
ZZZs, Orchard, & Happenings....
This morning I took the boys on their field trip to an orchard. They had a blast and I picked up some more apples as well as some sweet corn for us. This afternoon, we headed to my grandma's house for a bit to celebrate her birthday - she turns...another year thought I would tell didn't you? :) I took some pumpkin cake bars and her gift.
Eventually I'll be ready for our trip. It will be a LONG drive and I'm not looking forward to that part. But I've never been to NY and I'm excited to see some of Andrew's extended family. We will be staying in upstate NY. Should be beautiful this time of year.
Anyway, here are a couple of photos from the orchard today (don't even ask about the shirts - they are their school shirts for field trips and they are awful! :)).
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today's Activity
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Let me also note, that we will never forget 9/11 and the many, many people who lost their lives. The day will forever live in our memories and we are thankful for the men and women serving in the military working to keep us protected.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
So I guess I'll have to write a real post instead of relying on photos. Here is a bullet point look at random things:
- Vacation sounds dreamy right now.
- The project I'm working on is exciting and fun - I'll tell you more soon!
- I seriously cannot get enough of cookbooks. I love, love, love to read them!
- Despite the dental office closing on Fridays and the fact that I will seriously miss my patients, I'm super excited about the potential of a new job (one is already in the works!).
- The past several weeks and months have been difficult and yet I feel peaceful. I'm so thankful that God knows the future.
- I mentioned this yesterday but I am so incredibly blessed with an amazing extended family. We have so many memories and continue to make them. The cousins have remained close and perhaps gotten even closer in adulthood. We have such a blast together!
- Andrew got his birthday gift early - an espresso machine! He loves it and we found an awesome deal (thus the early)!
- We don't have a girls' fantasy football league and I actually planned to sit out this year but instead I find myself in two leagues (both include guys & girls). And, just for all of posterity - I drafted a better team than Andrew in one league and while that doesn't really mean does give me some bragging rights. :)
- I recently learned that there are currently more children waiting/ready to be adopted in Russia than available families (at least with our agency) and for half a second, I thought we should adopt two brothers less than 3 years old that were on a waiting list. Seriously, 5 boys under 4 - yeah, not a good idea. And no, this is not any kind of announcement. We are so blessed with our three right now - it's just that knowing children are waiting tugs at my heart
- The best part about fall arriving is that we can have soup many times a week and my family likes it!
- I would like a professional organizer to come and completely clean and reorganize my house - while I'm away. :) And then I would like a housekeeper because I give up. :) Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? :)
- I'm having a Pampered Chef Party this month - if you would like to come or like to order, let me know. Some of you will get invites anyway. :) Stoneware is 20% off for guests (or anyone who orders even if you can't come).
- I'm currently being serenaded by my oldest son - so sweet! He makes up songs all day long - the car is his favorite place to debut them. :)
- The boys are growing like crazy and I sort of want to freeze these moments.
- Life is good. I'm overwhelmed with blessings. I'm excited about the future.
Okay, well, in light of the wanting to freeze the moments...we are headed to the Children's Museum for some fun!!! Maybe I'll remember my camera today. :) And maybe you will get pictures tomorrow instead of my can always hope (or you can storm blogger with pleas on my behalf :)).
Have a wonderful day and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and prayers over the last few weeks and with my news yesterday. I'm really, really okay. I'm not wallowing in self-pity or feeling horribly depressed. :) The fact that I'm still in my pajamas has nothing to do with the events of late...truly. It's just good old-fashioned laziness. :) Off to get dressed, pack a lunch, and hang with my boys!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I'm Back but Not Especially Good
Great first post back, huh. :) I'll be fine - I really did know it was coming. It's still hard and I still feel more upset than I expected. But I'll try to be more upbeat for the week. I've got some cute pictures to post!
Oh, and we had a fantastic weekend with family - I seriously don't think any extended family could have as much fun as we do!