Sunday, July 22, 2007

Garden Produce

I wrote just a little about our garden here but here's a picture of some of the yummy vegetables we've been enjoying!
The yellow pear tomatoes and the cherry tomatoes are my favorite. We love them cut in half and combined with fresh basil, fresh chives, balsamic vinegar, salt, & pepper! We also picked some jalapenos just today but haven't made any salsa yet - I'm a little nervous to work with them since having jalapeno hands for a few days last year. :) Anyway, it's awesome to see the vibrant colors and enjoy the wonderful fresh vegetables and herbs.


Kim said...

WOW! Those look so good! Enjoy your healthy goodies!


Anonymous said...

The colors are just beautiful! What a lucky (healthy) family!

Pearl said...

Hey thank you so much for your comment on my blog! I really feel blessed to have foud your blog as my husband and I just began the adoption process. I can't wait to find more time to read your story!

Michelle said...

Your veggies look so vibrant in color!

Thanks for entering my contest, and for the comment about my daughter :)

Kerry said...

Alaina, you won my contest! Please e-mail me at so I can get it sent to you!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Alaina, I gave you the wrong e-mail address. Sorry! It's I forgot the 2.