Monday, December 08, 2008

Two Words

This is a guest post written by my sweet husband - he sent it to me after I related our morning activities. :) Yep, not a healthy house, yet. :) Hopefully we're on the mend.

My Day
So Far

Clingy baby
Unhappy boy
Delicious breakfast
Fasting boy
Unhappy boy
Frustrated momma
Explosion (in) toilet
Horrible smell
Happy boy
Clogged toilet
Unhappy momma
Toilet overflows (almost)
Momma cries (almost)
Toilet flushes
Everyone’s relieved
(no pun)
Momma calls
Daddy’s inspired
Momma equals
Wonder woman


Alicia said...

Aw that's so cute! haha. Sorry you've had a rough day.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet hubby you have to recognize what a super woman he is married to!

Mama10EE said...

That was very sweet of him! Sounds like you have had a rough morning...I hope everyone is doing better!

Heather said...

GREAT Stuff!

Monica said...

So much can be said in two words.

I hope your day has gone uphill.

Heather L. said...

That's terrific! I hope you all improve quickly!

kitzkazventure said...

Sweet and Understanding words from the Hubby....way to go Hubby!

Kim said...

That is pretty funny. The toilet part - oh boy! Not so fun. Hope Tuesday is better for you!

Loraena Tuttle said...

I'm so sorry to read that you've been having a hard time. I hope Ty is feeling ALL THE WAY BETTER very soon!

Such a sweet post from your husband. If I were you that would have made me cry and feel better. My day today was a hard one, but reading about yours from your husband's perspective makes me realize that I don't really have it so bad with just ONE toddler right now. =)