Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Cupcakes!

Here is Titus' birthday tower of carnival/circus cupcakes! This was quite the project but I was overall happy with how it turned out!

My cousin, Emily, told me about this book -Hello, Cupcake! And seriously, if you like to do your kids' cakes, stop what you are doing and go buy it (I bought mine on Amazon for about $8)! It's so cute, the instructions are generally easy to follow, you don't have to buy a lot of cake decorating things, and your kids will love them! There are also some very classy cupcake designs suitable for adults as well. It's a book that I'm sure I will be returning to again and again for ideas.
I love the concept of cupcakes because they are easy to serve, portioned out, and adorable. I was able to easily adjust the ideas to work with what I had and what I could find at the store. And while my cake platter wasn't quite right, I just added an extra layer of candle cupcakes (1 candle on each representing his 1st birthday) and seated the clowns on the table (they were too tall for the bottom tier). I also skipped the cute elephant cupcakes they suggested because I simply did not have enough time to do them - I think it turned out just fine without! Oh and I decorated all of the extra cupcakes by rolling the edges in sprinkles and topping them with a circus peanut or a gummy life saver with one candle in the middle.
So there you have it, the cupcake project. I hope there will be many more because they were fun to do!


Megan said...

Oh my word! They are fabulous! And look simply delicious. Well done, Mama.

Jennifer said...

Wow, wow, wow. I seriously don't know how you do it! My strength is NOT in the details, and after 1 cupcake- no scratch that one HALF of a cupcake- I'd be frustrated out of my mind. I could do the gummy life saver and candle (minus the sprinkles on the edge). That is totally my speed. :-) They are so amazingly beautiful! You do such great work.

Heather L. said...

Can't wait to see the book! it looks like all the cupcakes must be as amazing as the ones you made.

Gretchen said...

Those are so cool. YOu did an amazing job. I can only imagine how long it took, it harkens me back to the original train cake we made for Serik's second birthday. Boy we stayed up all night working on that one. Everything from the party looks like it turned out great and little Titus looks so happy.He is such a cutie!

Brooke said...

Those look incredible! We are about to celebrate Nisha's 4th birthday (first party ever) and I was thinking of creative cupcakes. I appreciate the book suggestion and RUN out and get it. Excellent job!

Mama10EE said...

Awesome!!! They look fanstastic. Looks like I may be investing in a book :)

Leah said...

Oh my goodness. Those look incredible! I don't know when you find the time to do such creative things...I'm struggling to find time to just brush my teeth!

Jen L said...

Amazing!!! You've got some baking talent, girlie. I bought Jack's last a few weeks ago. I didn't even try.

Micah said...

You did such a great job, Lains!! They look amazing!!!! Sad, sad, sad that we couldn't be there :(.

Micah said...

BTW, last time I was in Half-Price Books, they had that book for $5! If anyone still has their $3 coupons, they could snag a great deal! I actually found mine at a warehouse book sale for $0.50!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is truly amazing!

Stephanie said...

Number 1, You're crazy insane!!!
Number 2, These turned out so well, I love them.

Deb said...

Those are amazing. You did a great job. The birthday pics below are great too. Looks like a fun time for everyone. The one of him sleeping is so precious.

I've added this book to my wish list!

kitzkazventure said...

Wow and Yum! I love cupcakes too! We had cupcakes for our "wedding cake". I wanted lots of flavors and icings....so it was the best option and yummy!

So who go to eat all the left over candy! :) You are such a fun mom!

Katrina said...

I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!! :) I've made the aliens and the pumpkins...hehehe :) I haven't been brave enough to try the really detailed ones..I really want to the make the wreath one for christmas though! :) You did GOOD! :)

Bryant Family said...

The cupcakes look amazing! My daughter's first birthday is next month, and I am still totally undecided on how to decorate her cupcakes. I'll have to check out that book!

Thad and Ann said...

beautiful! I got that book from the library a few months ago & this was my thoughts "wow, these are awesome...I could never do them!" :) I do not have the patience for that at all. You are a great Mom, I love that he giggles & smiles when you ask about his birthday, what a sweetie!

EmilyAnne said...

Alaina, they turned out amazing! What a great idea for the extra cupcakes, too! They fit right in and I love the variety they add. Great job!