Thursday, August 06, 2009

A Washer & Progress

We definitely had buyer's remorse after the purchase of our washer and dryer a few years ago. The washer was especially horrible - to the point that we had to remove it from the laundry room and use an old one that had belonged to Andrew's Grandpa. We've been making due but just the other day had been thinking that we needed to work a new washer into the budget. Yesterday, a co-worker of Andrew's sent out an e-mail that he had a front load washer that was in good condition that he wanted to give away. He said if several people were interested, there would be a raffle. Andrew quickly put our name in the hat. Today we learned that no raffle was necessary and the washer is ours. We feel incredibly blessed! It meets a need for us and will give us a little more time before biting the bullet and purchasing a new washer and dryer. Amazing to see the little ways that God provides for our needs!

In other brothers came and entertained the boys while I worked on things yesterday which was awesome! They returned with one of their friends in the evening to help move some furniture for us which was so helpful. And some good friends from church are keeping all three of the boys today so I can work on the favors and the carpets can be cleaned. Yesterday, I also had a chance to get my eyebrows threaded and my hair trimmed and colored - yay! The number for brunch is closer to 50 so I still have much to do but I'm excited for the weekend!

Let's get this party started!


Catherine said...

Neat! Let us know how you like the front loader. I decided to try to eke some more life out of my washer but am keeping my ears open for what would be best to replace it with.

Gretchen said...

Good luck! Thank goodness you have had some people help you with the kids while you work on all this other stuff. Everything will be great. I can't wait to see pics!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for help all around! I love our front loading washer and dryer... when we bought our house they were the one set of appliances that the former owner took with her.

And when you have more time (ie when you're NOT making hundreds of rice krispie treats) I'd love to hear about eyebrow threading... this is relatively new to me (as in I was just told about it last week)... is it less painful or last longer than waxing? Does it take way longer?

Micah said...

Oh, Lains, I have been so out of touch lately. Is it just me or has this been the busiest summer ever?!? Sounds like a great weekend, FILLED with fun. Why are stressful times always mingled in with tons of fun? I was just asking someone the other day about Threaded Eyebrows! Is it better than waxing? Have a great weekend, and try to relax and have a little fun ;). We'll get together soon, I hope!

Lana Joy said...

You, like Emily, exhaust me by the sheer amount of things you take on. And especially during crunch time! Amazing, Alaina. You always pull it off with such a flourish it's awesome. We're sorry to miss the brunch on Saturday, but I don't think you'll miss us. :o)
Have a blast. See you tomorrow!

Courtney said...

Wow, that is amazing about the washing machine. Sounds like things are moving along pretty smoothly!

Brooke said...

Yeah! I love it when God provides everything we need. So happy you didn't have to buy a new set just yet :)

Unknown said...

I would love a new washer and dryer.