Friday, August 13, 2010

Sometimes I'm Ditzy

Our Jeep has been in the shop this week.
I took Andrew to pick it up this morning.
And decided to run errands.
I completely forgot that Calvin's speech therapist was coming for a session.
She called when I was checking out at Kohls.
Thankfully, she was awesome about it.
We made it home in about 10 minutes.
I left while he had his session...
To take my brother coffee.
(He had his wisdom teeth out on Wednesday).
And to pick up the gift my parents forgot for a wedding.
I was at Kohls to buy a gift for the same wedding tomorrow.
The wedding is about 3 1/2 hours away.
Andrew is staying home to get things done...
Both work and home things.
Like using our new mower since our old one finally died.
My sister, Margaret, and her husband are riding with the boys and me.
We will return home late tomorrow night...
To get ready for a big 2 year-olds birthday on Sunday.
He has chosen chocolate cupcakes made into fishbowls
They are super cute but I'm not sure when I will get them done. :)
We decided not to have a party this year.
I am SO glad.

Whew, hopefully no more ditzy moments. I'm tired just thinking about the weekend. :) And I can't believe my baby is turning 2. I'm feeling a little mushy, emotional.


Gretchen said...

It has flown by. Hope you have a great weekend! Happy Birthday to Titus!

DeclutterLady said...

I've had some of those days too - glad to hear everything worked out ok!

Jessy B. said...

So glad you made it to the wedding!!!