Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Seizing the Day
It's easy to let everything else in my life crowd out family time - I may be home but too busy to spend time with them. So today, I decided that it's all about the kids. After their naps, we'll go outside and have popsicles and swim in the pool. My house is a mess and I still have a few cheesecakes to bake but it will all have to wait - my family comes first! I need it and they need it. So, I challenge you to seize the day, throw out the list, and be spontaneous - you won't regret it!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Busy, Busy
Happy Birthday, Patrick!
Patrick's Party
The birthday boy and Mommy!
Blowing bubbles - little kids and big kids. :)
James and the bubble mower.
Rachel sporting the cool fire hat!
The adorable fire truck cake my Mom decorated!
Blowing out the candle with a little help from Daddy.
Unfortunately we didn't get as many pictures as I wanted so this is just a few - we'll get more from the other photographers. :) Patrick was a happy camper and Calvin thought it was all about him. The menu was pizza (Patrick's favorite!), veggies & dip, watermelon, potato chips, hummus & pita chips, carrot cake, icecream, and popsicles. Patrick doesn't really like cake so we had popsicles in addition to cake since he LOVES them! He received many fun gifts - Calvin helped him unwrap them and play with them, of course. We were so glad to have our family and friends help us celebrate!
Chicago Update
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Experimenting with Echoes
Calvin: Technology & Tiger
We head to the Shriner's Hospital this week and would appreciate prayers as we meet many people and make decisions regarding Calvin's care. We have been extremely impressed with the hospital so far. We are ready to have answers and a plan! Patrick will be staying behind which will be hard so please pray for him, too - this will be the first time he has been away from us for overnight and one of the few times he has been separated from Calvin for any length of time.
Garden Produce
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Visiting Great-Grandma J.
Symphony on the Prairie
Sadly, the woman who graciously took our picture almost cut Toni out of the picture and must have shook the camera. Oh well - at least we got a picture. :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sleepless in Indy...
1 Success...
Yes, I'm aware that many years from now when he reads this, he will be mortified that I reported on such a personal subject. To this I say, I just couldn't help but share this exciting news - sorry, son. :) Every little success for you is a success for me, too - I'm so proud of you! You are growing up!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Shopping with Patrick


I can tolerate okra if it is fried but even then, it just isn't a flavor I prefer - if I'm going to eat something fried, just give me some french fries or onion rings! Andrew, on the other hand, loves okra. So I try to occasionally buy it for him and even encouragaed him to plant some this year but it didn't make it (I'm secretly kind of glad but don't tell him, okay?).
I 'm usually a fan of vegetables but I've given this one a shot and I think I'll pass. Any okra fans out there?
Friday, July 13, 2007
On Being Brothers...
Monday, July 09, 2007
A Better Picture
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Croup & Surgery
We have an update on surgery. After feeling very frustrated by the process at our current hospital, we learned that the Shriner's Hospital in Chicago has a cleft program. We applied at the end of June and Calvin was accepted within a few days; we have an appointment in a few weeks for him to be seen by their team of surgeons and other professionals. We have not cancelled the scheduled surgery but providing everything goes well, we plan to switch hospitals. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers - this has been a tremendously frustrating year trying to actually have a surgery!
Please do pray that Calvin will remain healthy. He has done really great until this last week and we hope that it was just a bad week!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Blueberry Picking
Ready for picking!
Saying good-bye to Great-Grandpa & Grandma after a wonderful
picnic lunch!
Worn out after so much work!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Children's Museum Picture
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Celebrating the 4th in Pictures
We finished our day with a movie, Shrek, the boys choice.