Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I'm Back but Not Especially Good

Today, the effect of the economy has hit me personally. The dental office I have worked at since 2003 is closing on the one day a week I work. It is nothing personal and in my head I know that, but I'm still sad. I love the patients and I have worked hard in that office. Before children I worked M-W and Friday (when they were open) but after children, I just started working evey Friday. And it makes sense for her to close on Fridays. She is having to increase her personal hours and work alone instead of having an associate to work a couple of days a week. I know all of that and yet still I'm sad. It does not come as a shock to me, I expected this and am pursuing other options. For the time being, I am taking it in and grieving the loss of the wonderful people I have been privileged to serve over the last several years.

Great first post back, huh. :) I'll be fine - I really did know it was coming. It's still hard and I still feel more upset than I expected. But I'll try to be more upbeat for the week. I've got some cute pictures to post!

Oh, and we had a fantastic weekend with family - I seriously don't think any extended family could have as much fun as we do!


Gretchen said...

Even though you knew it was coming it is still hard. That is a big life change. Hugs

Heather L. said...

I'm sorry the Fridays do indeed have to go. :(

Mama10EE said...

I hate to hear that. I know that even though it was a possibility that the reality has to hurt. Praying for more options to open up for you!

Sharon @ Texas to Ethiopia said...

I am also an RDH and work very part time (after kids, like you). I think the only thing getting us by right now is that we do a lot of Medicaid. Even then that means we have to see more volume. Oh well, I will take that blessing with me for now.

We have 3 little boys too! We're trying to adopt a girl. We've been waiting forever for a match. :)

Monica said...

I'm sad for you. I know that you were such a blessing to your patients- I'm sure they'll be missing you, too. But, here's to new doors and paths that God has already laid out for you.

Jill said...

I am so sorry you are having to deal with such a loss. That just flat out stinks! I have been thinking of you.
Hugs, Jill

Amy K said...

Alaina, I'm sorry to hear this! Hopefully God will lead you to another great job very soon.

Stephanie said...

Darn it...you were right, huh? I'm so sorry. That really stinks! Hang in there and feel free to call if you need to chat.
I love you!

Jen L said...

I'm sorry. You know they do say when God closes a door He opens a window somewhere. You just have to be looking for the open window. I bet He has wonderful plans for you.

The Cook said...

so sorry sweetie. I hope you find something just as great or even better!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Alaina. You know what they say... God closes a door and opens a window... but the door is so darn convenient! Good luck in finding that window. We're all here to support you!

Brooke said...

I am very sorry about your job! However, I know that God has a plan for you that may be even better than the dental office. Can't wait to hear about what He has in store for you!

Thad and Ann said...

aw, that stinks! I am glad something is in the works for you but change is still tough.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're out of your job.
Charles and I were let go last month from our self storage management positions.
We had to move, give up Toby and get back into the job search mode.
I'm sure you'll find something.