I love to hear my kids' say Mama (or Mony :)).
I love the spontaneous hugs that never cease to amaze me.
I love the way my boys' make me feel like the most important person in the world.
I love how they engage me in their games, make believe, songs, and books.
I love the wonderful smiles they throw my way.
I love the delighted giggles that escape.
I love their beautiful, expressive, brown eyes.
I love the way they wholeheartedly trust.
I love surprising them.
I love to teach them.
I love to see them learn.
I love to watch them peacefully sleep.
I love to see their imaginations at work.
I love to hear them pray.
I love their singing.
I love the way they live life to the fullest.
I love their boundless energy.
I love the sloppy, open-mouth kisses.
I love my boys.
I love being a Mom.
Open wide - Calvin is a ham on camera and off. He often says, "I'm funny?" or "You're funny." To him, being funny is quite the complement. :) He says it all with a twinkle in his eyes. We feel confident that his sense of humor has been a real asset with his life before our family and with his surgeries.
Teething Ty - he keeps sucking on his upper lip which is so cute. He has been working on three for a few weeks now and one finally popped through. He doesn't sleep as well when teething, so there have been many nights averaging a bit less sleep. :)
Too cool for school.
And no, we aren't fans of the stomach showing (we'll leave short boy shirts in the 80s, thanks)...I think it was just the pose but who knows. :) I'll be the first to admit that my kids occasionally make it out the door in clothing that doesn't quite fit, shoes on the wrong feet etc...it just screams good parenting. :)
Mommy might be tired.
But hey, these three make it worth it. I love them to pieces and am super blessed that God chose me to be their Mom!
Headed to the pool for the very fun pool party! The resort was so gorgeous!
Definitely a water baby - he LOVED it!
Like his brothers...
Titus and Asa were born 1 week apart within 1 hour distance of each other and both were adopted into families with two older boys.
And here are the families of boys - six between us! Gretchen and Chris went from 0 to 3 kids in about 13 months. They are an awesome family and we loved hanging out with them!
These boys were all born and adopted from Uralsk, Kazakhstan. Our boys have been home the longest and are the oldest by a bit. They are all absolutely adorable! It was so fun comparing notes about the baby houses and in-country experience!
Our family on the last day.
Stopping for ice cream on the way home...what would a trip be without an ice cream stop. :)
It's just so amazing to be with people who love Kazakhstan, have had similar experiences, and have been so blessed through adoption. I loved feeling "normal" - you don't have to explain everything; we all know how it works etc. It was incredible to see all the families - some built entirely through adoption and some built through both biology and adoption.
Every single person would tell you that adoption is awesome - I think we are all pretty passionate about it! :) What beautiful families, beautiful hearts, and beautiful children.
Yesterday was an emotional day - in a happy and good way! I learned of two families receiving referrals and another family having two foster children placed with them. I saw all of them this weekend and rejoice with them! I love that more children are on their way to finding forever families. I could go on and on but I'll stop. We can't wait until next year and we hope to see many of you before then!
I think the model is pretty cute. :) While this was my first completed knitting project, I certainly hope it won't be the last! It was fun and I had such a sense of accomplishment. The older boys have requested hats for themselves - Calvin would like orange and green stripe and Patrick would like two colors of blue. We'll see.
(by Alaina's lucky husband Andrew)
On this her thirtieth birthday, I thought she needed a guest post on her blog! Henceforth, with no more ado, I give you:
Thirty Wonderful Things About Alaina! (or, why I love her so much; in random order)
1. is the best and most faithful friend I ever could have asked for (and prettiest!)
2. enjoys her three sons, and is always envisioning fun things to do with them
3. bakes incredibly delicious desserts (and main courses, too)
4. is an interesting, engaging, entertaining writer – just look above and below!
5. likes to play fantasy football with me, and really does play (e.g., she doesn’t just sign up, but she learns the players, the strategies, and seriously talks about who to start each week!)
6. balances out my pack-rat tendencies and (to a greater or lesser extent, depending on my sentimentality) helps me get rid of no-longer-needed stuff :{
7. is an extremely loyal, caring, devoted friend
8. is also, like me, a competitive board-game enthusiast, although for some reason (probably three reasons, actually) we don’t play as much as we used to
9. has this mischievous side that keeps life interesting
10. loves spending time with me (as she would say, a happy coincidence!)
11. definitely knows how to throw a (Christmas/birthday/general) party, complete with decorations, food, drinks – and did I say delicious food?
12. enjoys looking at home plans with me, and envisioning and discussing our green dream house
13. has a heart for adoption, which has changed our lives, and will, I trust, change many others as well
14. likes dogs (maybe more than I do at this point, which is something of a role-reversal from a few years ago)
15. enjoys gardening, and puts the produce – and particularly her herbs – to excellent use
16. is very patient with my idiosyncrasies (I’ll not list them; she knows them well enough)
17. helps make sure I don’t walk out of the house looking like I time-traveled from the 80s
18. is something of a perfectionist, which, being one myself, is great (most of the time :)
19. likes to travel and explore new towns, states, and countries – and is a great traveling companion
20. is very financially responsible, which makes accounting, budgeting and saving easier
21. has a great mind, and puts it to good use in many ways, including in discussing cases and other work with me
22. loves people and is always eager to help, serve, and make their lives happier
23. thoroughly enjoys a good book, and is always fun to book-shop with
24. has remained remarkably mentally stable considering that she lives with four “boys,” three of whom are within three years age of each other
25. not only loves Christmas, but also makes it a wonderful time of year, from decorations to events to gifts!
26. is always up for a late night movie (even if she falls asleep in the middle :)
27. loves her family and spending time with them
28. bakes, cooks, and creates some of the most amazing things in the kitchen (did I list this already? If so, it bears repeating!)
29. has the prettiest name in the world (thanks, Dad and Mom J.!)
30. like me, is concerned with stewardship of the earth, and in thinking and acting “green”
31. is very concerned about the health and welfare of her family, and takes that very seriously (hello, more good food!)
32. is very understanding when I have to work late
33. and did I mention that she’s hot?!
Oh wait, I’m going on too long! But as we were always told with our birthday “spankings,” there’s always two or three to “love Daddy on,” etc., so I trust you’ll forgive me. Rest assured, she really is only turning thirty this year! This short list barely scratches the surface; I could list thirty more. But since she’s only turning thirty, that will have to wait! J
I love you, Alaina!