Thursday, June 04, 2009

Learning Something New

Last year (at the start of 2008), I mentioned that I wanted to learn to knit. My good friend, Heather, is an accomplished knitter and so she gave me yarn, needles, and a pattern to get started. It took me 18 months but I finally finished the project last week! Okay, I actually didn't start until February of this year and mostly knitted it at the newly formed knitting club (super fun, by the way!). is the completed project.

I think the model is pretty cute. :) While this was my first completed knitting project, I certainly hope it won't be the last! It was fun and I had such a sense of accomplishment. The older boys have requested hats for themselves - Calvin would like orange and green stripe and Patrick would like two colors of blue. We'll see.


Jenny said...

Cute project!!!
And I think knitting little hats is fun and keeps the fingers busy! Yay for knitting! I <3 yarn! (I am also into crochet right now!)

Heather L. said...

Ty looks SO cute in the hat!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is cute! And that is what happens... you make a project for one person and then others just get in line! :)

Courtney said...

Cute project and model!

liz nelson said...

that's so adorable. all though perhaps a bit out of season at the moment.:) i need to complete a knitting project... or maybe just improve the basic steps, since i have yet to do that.:)

Monica said...

That looks just perfect on him. Great job! Anytime a busy mom finishes a project that's a victory right there:)

Brooke said...

I admire your efforts! Looks better than store bought. I tried to knit a scarf, then got frustrated and went for a coaster ;) Maybe I should try again. . .

Good work!

Ruth MacC said...

Hello there,
I foound you on Heather L's blog. Love the hat but especially on the child! Keep up the good work and knit some more for the other boys:0)