Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I had another post planned but this trumps it...I'm so proud of my hubby. He has been studying for a very difficult certification exam for the last several weeks and still wasn't confident he would pass. Well, today was the day and he passed with plenty of room to spare!!! All the study hours, missed family time, late nights, and stress were worth it!



Due to my blog break, I missed doing a Father's Day post but let me just say, we are so incredibly blessed to have him as the leader of our family. He is kind, patient, loving, and dedicated. The boys cannot wait for him to arrive home in the evenings (well, neither can I). :) He is awesome about helping out wherever no matter what task needs accomplished. How thankful I am to have such a wonderful husband! The pictures below are Andrew's first pictures with each of our precious sons.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Andrew!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Andrew! What a wonderful and exciting accomplishment. I hope you guys do something really crazy and fun to celebrate!

Heather L. said...

We are SO excited for you guys!!!! YAY!!!!! Glad it is over.

BTW, haven't noticed when you changed your blog look but it's really nice!

Andrew said...

Thanks, Dear. I couldn't have done it - all the studying long days and late nights - without you stepping up and taking on a lot more work at home! You get a lot of credit for my passing grade, too!

Andrew said...

I meant to add - I thought you were posting some of the tired-est looking photos of me for another reason (other than that they are the first with the boys) - thanks! ;)

Kim said...

Fantastic news! Congrats Andrew!! Cute new blog colors!

Jenny said...

congratulations Andrew! I am very glad for you to be through this with flying colors!
And Alaina, congratulations to you for hanging in there. ;)