Friday, June 12, 2009

Making Their Day

A sheriff stopped by and talked to the boys when we got home tonight. He patiently answered their (I mean, Calvin's :)) questions and told us about his family. He chatted with us for probably 10 minutes and then hopped out of his car and opened his trunk. He dug around for a minute and then emerged with two FBI play sets and gave them to the older boys. They were beyond thrilled and politely thanked him.

Not only did they get to see his car and talk to him which was super exciting but now they are pretty sure there are toys in the trunk of all police cars. :) It was so cute and they could not stop talking about it. Andrew came home and Calvin (our more chatty one) was spilling out the story faster than Andrew could understand. :)

Kudos to the sheriff. He was so kind and really made the boys' day. I think it's officers like him that really encourage kids to make good choices and to view the law in a positive way. All in all, a great ending to our day!


B.D.Riehl said...

How cute! I'll be sure to tell my husband this story: he is a police officer and I'm sure if I bought a few of those toys he would be willing to make more children's day. Officers are lucky to have a Mama like you that puts them in a positive light to their kids. Thanks!

Mama10EE said...

My question is....what were you doing that warranted a visit from the sheriff? :) Oh and thanks for the garlic tip....I think my way would have killed us all!

Alaina said...

The sheriff was just patrolling the neighborhood and saw us out front. :) I promise, we were walking the straight and narrow. :)

Glad the garlic tip helped!

Jill said...

Awwww! How sweet!
You are right, people like that are incredible and make all the difference in the world to kids!
Hugs, Jill

CityStreams said...

Great story! I'm going to bookmark it so I can show my Hubs. We rarely here about officers doing good these days in the media and it's disheartening. Thank you for posting this, because it will make Officer Hubsy's day too!

Anonymous said...

That is great... and I'm sure it really makes his day too... I've always thought that being a cop would be an awfully hard/upsetting job (having spent a little bit of time as a juvenile Probation Officer and knowing how terrible that is)... so I bet they really look forward to those moments where they can appear the "hero."

Courtney said...

That is a great story. What a wonderful man to stop and do that. I agree that it will make a lasting impression on your boys and they will think twice about the choices they make!