Thursday, October 26, 2006


Evidently Calvin’s walking mantra must be working.  He took his first solo steps a couple days ago.  It was so exciting!  He gets a little ahead of himself (really his personality is that way!) but I hope he’ll be walking soon.  He was absolutely adorable trying to act like Pippi.  He brought me her rope toy and wanted me to throw it for him.  He tried to hold it in his mouth and crawled on the floor.  At one point, he was studying Pippi and all of sudden he barked 5 times.  Too cute – we were laughing so hard!

Patrick is the sweetest kid when he wakes up!  He is so happy and gives nice smiles and baby coos.  He patiently waits for breakfast and then laughs and grins all the way through the meal.  His eyes constantly dance.  He has been so loving to other people lately.  We are so glad he’s warming up and giving Mommy a little break. :)  Patrick was so cute yesterday – he was playing with Aunt Steph and bending down really low and walking to be eye level with her (she was crawling towards him).  It was hilarious!

Today I feel like we are finally settling into a bit of a routine.  I was able to clean the downstairs this morning which was great!  Both boys were intrigued with the vacuum cleaner but not scared – Pippi is the scared one, she hates it!  I think if I work out a cleaning schedule and devote the first 1-2 hours after breakfast to housekeeping/cooking then I will be able to stay on top of things.

Naptimes have shortened for Calvin, so I only end up with ½ -1 hour of time in the afternoon (usually lunch for me).  Patrick remains the sleeping king!  He is so great about going to bed, napping for 2-3 hours and sleeping through the night (12 -13 hours).  

We have been so blessed to have meals provided all week by ladies at our church.  It has been so great to not have to think about it.  I’ll be on my own next week with everything – that will be the real proof of how things are really going. :)  


Amy K said...

The stories about the kids (and Pippi to, of course) are darling. Keep sharing 'cuz it's fun to read! :)

Jen said...

I totally laughed about Calvin acting like Pippi...too funny!

So good to talk to you in person today! can't wait to see the boys in person!

Great Grandma Judd said...

I was so delighted to see the journal entry today. It's such fun for me to read. You have two little personalities with those precious little boys. They will continue to keep you entertained with their delightful ideas. I can imagine Pippi is enjoying having some activity with the boys. What fun it must be to see them interacting with each other. It is great that Patrick is getting more accustomed to other people. It appears that Calvin could be a little clown. I am so happy that you were able to have both adorable little boys. I love all of you so much, and I pray that the checkup at the Dr. tomorrow will be a good report. Please keep on sharing the wonderful stories from your house. They are much appreciated.
Love you so much,
Great Grandma Judd

liz said...

can't wait to see all of you this weekend!! i've been looking forward to it all week.:)