This year, I started looking into printing options earlier and discovered that Costco had a much better deal (Reason #297 for loving Costco!). So this week, I once again compiled some of our best pictures from this year and sent the calendars to be printed; they will be shipped directly to my house. The really great thing about these calendars is that I was also able to put a photo on each significant date - only one though, so it was a tough call when it came to my mom and dog sharing the same birthday and never appearing in a picture together. :) Don't worry, Mom won out. :)
I love that the calendars are gifts that keep giving throughout the year. And it's great to see how much the kids grow! When more grandchildren join the ranks, I hope we can just combine photos with the other families (I'm one of 7 kids) and keep making the calendars. It's a fun, easy, affordable and creative gift! And it works for me! Check out Rocks in My Dryer for more WFMW participants.
And if you happen to be our parents reading this, you now know one thing you will be getting. Sorry. :) Sooner or later, you'll probably catch on that you're getting one every year, anyway. :)
I love this idea. Thanks.
such a great idea!
Since, I am so cheap... I have the boys color/draw a pic on 11 x 14 paper and just print out blank montly calendars. They label on the important dates, too.
But your idea is much nicer.
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