Tuesday, November 13, 2007


As much as I've been trying to be organized and plan ahead, I'm officially overwhelmed. I have lots of company in the next few weeks including overnight guests, several celebrations, and various other things. While I'm looking forward to it all, I'm also realizing how much I need to get done between now and next Monday (when the first of the company arrives). I have cleaning, organizing, menu planning, and shopping; not to mention taking care of my kids and husband.

Do you ever find yourself so overwhelmed that you don't know where to even start? That's me. I'm coasting along but finding myself struggling to ever get ahead. I need to make lists but even that is challenging because I feel like nothing gets crossed off. During the day, the boys occupy most of my time and by the time the evenings hit, I'm exhausted. It's a vicious cycle.

On a positive note, I finished Christmas shopping for 3 people this morning, at Kohls, with the boys. They were pretty good. I received a 30% off coupon in the mail which expires today and I definitely wanted to take advantage of it. It saved me so much (on top of the already good sales) and really made it worth the trip.


Catherine said...

I feel that way a lot. Maybe most of the time. I think part of my problem is having too high of expectations for myself, but sometimes I'm just overwhelmed and I think I would be even if I were not a perfectionist!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alaina,
You really do have a lot on your plate in the next few weeks! I'll be praying for you -- that you'll be able to get what needs to be done accomplished, and that inspite of all the hassle you'll manage to enjoy the fellowship too. I'm sure your hospitality will be a blessing to all of your guests!

Anonymous said...

Alaina, I think alot of it is the expectations you place on yourself. I can (and certainly do) feel overwhelmed a lot of the time (knowing that all of the costumes for Cinderella have to be done in a week and a half is giving me ulcers!)... But I find it helps to step back and remember what this time of year is really all about (being thankful for what we have, and appreciative of the people we have around us). Don't worry. It will all get done. And if it doesn't, life will go on. I've been doing the 30 days of being thankful (of course I didn't get started until day 11!) and it is really helping me to put what is and isn't important in my life in perspective... don't know if that helps but the long and short of it is, yes I know what you feel like... and it will be okay!