Tuesday, June 02, 2009

30: The 1st 24

I'm closing all entries and tomorrow I will hopefully post all the winners! Thank you all for celebrating with me!

So far, 30 hasn't been very good...I came down with severe stomach flu early this morning and have felt awful. I'm sure things will look up in the next 24 hours. :)

I did have a lovely day celebrating yesterday - my mom and all of my sisters (even the one from up north!) surprised me for lunch and Andrew took me out for a lovely dinner last night. Sadly, I'm missing out on my Mom's Night Out tonight - they let me pick the restaurant and I was so looking forward to it.

Here's to hoping tomorrow is better than today and that nobody else gets sick - we are scheduled to head out of town for the weekend and we definitely want to go and be well! I think I've used up all the energy I had...back to bed for me.


Courtney said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Sorry to hear your first day as a thirty year old was not so good!

Jodee said...

Sorry to hear about the flu. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Jenny said...

Yuck! I hope this does not reflect on any other part of your 30s. Feel better, okay????

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry Alaina! I hope it's over as quickly as it came...

Catherine said...

I'm sorry, Alaina! We missed you last night, but I hope you feel better soon!

Heather L. said...

We are SO sorry for you!!!! What a tragic ending to a fun celebration. I'm just so glad it came the day after your birthday. I hope you are much better today.

Mama10EE said...

Oh no! I hope you are feeling better. Praying you didn't share it with the family.

Joshua said...

Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better soon. And that the rest of the year will be an improvement on the beginning.

Monica said...

We missed you last night:( We'll have to have a do over and go there again. You're cake was fabulous!