Today was unexpected. :) This is sometimes good and sometimes not, but today it was great! Nadya called us at about 1:30 and said she would be here in 10 minutes and we would go to the mountains! We would have preferred a bit more notice but we got the boys up from their naps and bundled them up in their snowsuits. Before we could even finish, she was here. We went out to the car and she introduced us to her husband. They spent a couple hours showing us around Almaty and taking us to different mountains. It was so nice and the mountains were beautiful! She asked if we were ready to go back to the apartment and we requested to be dropped off at one of the shopping centers to do a few final things. She readily agreed and then said they would come back and pick us up! What a blessing…no more trying to find a taxi! So we finished our shopping and found some wonderful things to bring home. The boys were troopers. Calvin loves Nadya so she held him for most of the excursion. Andrew was the official photographer and videographer so I carried Patrick. That made him very happy, but my arms were so tired! Thankfully we had stuck the stroller in for our shopping!
Even in the tough days (and nights) we wouldn’t trade this experience for anything! We have two gorgeous boys and a lifetime of memories plus lots of new friends. We thank you for your love and support throughout every aspect of this journey. We are so thankful for many of you who encouraged us as we waited to travel and as we went through so much to get here. We will never forget.
On another personal note, we both have been incredibly blessed through the miracle of adoption. We have been challenged by others who have gone before and we pray there will be many that follow. We cannot believe how blessed each family is – for some, like us, these are their first children, for others, they have adopted or biological children at home. We are all bringing home. The children are so wonderful and there are children just like them all over the world. We are so glad God had this plan for us; we cannot imagine our lives without Calvin and Patrick.
Signing off with love from Kaz, The Falk Family (Andrew, Alaina, Calvin, & Patrick).

(Our first family photo, in Calvin's baby house.)
EE------! Congrats! ^_^
^^^^^^^^^-(Something I would NEVER do in person.)
I think I'm gonna cry. What a beautiful story...and a beautiful family picture. It's all in a blue folder by the Great-Grandpa's chair. He's treasured every account.
We'll be praying for you through the trip today, tonight, and tomorrow. Our same Heavenly Father, who caused the temperature to rise and the wind to go down and held off the rain (and snow - did you hear about Buffalo's 2 ft?) just long enough for our hayride last night, can help those little guys-as well as you-through all of what would otherwise be overwhelming challenges of the trip home. It's been a blessing to read of this long journey to Kazakhstan and home, really home for two precious little boys.
With all our love,
Aunt Gwen, Uncle Don and gang
The Lord is faithful! And you all in turn have been very faithful and patient and now you are rewarded!!
Talk to you soon!!
What a special photo!! You are a happy family. We're happy with you and the tears stream down seeing you. Also pumps us more to see you 4 in person tomorrow. Clock shows it's about time for you to board in Almaty.
Merle called from Gr Gma Falk's. He showed her how to get to your blog which she hadn't been able to access. I've been sending her daily your blog reports on email. At your blog today, she saw the earlier photos and was excited. She's prepared a book of your writing; she thinks you'll need to come home and rest!!
Thanks so much for maintaining the communication - we all treasure these accounts in which you've taken us along to Kaz and now homeward with you. Glad you got to the mts. Enjoy the trip home!
Love, Mom
Hippeyayo. I am super duper excited that yous are getting ready to board your plane and head home :)
Blessings and God speed, protection and grace as you travel.
Love you all!!!
We have been so grateful to share in your adoption experience. Your day to day journaling, even of the small things have made us feel a part of this. We hope you will be able to continue this blog or one like it to share future experiences with the newest members of the family. What memories you have made! It is a real blessing that you have been able to make this trip and accomplish this adoption. What an ordeal it has been, we never would have known so many details, if it weren't for this blog.
I have entered Calvin and Patrick in your branch of the family tree, hopefully sometime in the future, I will have their birthdates to put in the record.
It is 2pm. mountain time, so 2am. Kaz time and you must be on the way to the airport, we pray for a safe and peaceful journey.
Love you always,
Aunt Judy and Uncle Franke
You are likely in the air by now, finishing one chapter and embarking on the next. Praise God. We're looking forward to seeing you -- and LOVE the photo of the Falk-family-four!
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