We could not be more pleased! We are officially a family of four plus Pippi! :) We will write more about court later but couldn’t wait to pass on the good news. The 15 days were waived (not even contested for us because of Calvin’s medical condition) so we hope to be home in just over a week! We are so thrilled we just can’t stop smiling. We will pick the boys up tomorrow and bring them here to our apartment and then we will fly out of Uralsk Friday morning. Thanks for praying with us!
Congratulations, Andrew and Alaina - a family of four officially! Welcome, Calvin and Patrick, to the family!! Our tears flowed as we read your official introduction; I imagine yours did too as their names were officially changed by the judge and these little fellows became yours. We eagerly await account when the boys meet and you all are together. Even more so, we anticpate your arrival home. Officially now, Gpa and Gma Falk.
Wow... I couldn't be more excited for you. I am also very excited for your quick return :D. See you and your precious babies soon.
Oh yes, and by the way they are beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures until I can actually see the boys themselves.
So can you drop down to Lisbon as you fly into the US on your way home?!! Wouldn't Great-grandpa be excited to see them?! We just had Jaden here for my birthday and we had a grand time. He learned to do High 5's while he was here and it really brought out the giggles.
We are staying tuned for more of your story...such as, what they do when they see each other, flying all together... You will be home in time for the new daddy's birthday! What a wonderful gift!!
Love from all of us, Great Aunt Gwen
Dear Andrew, Alaina, Calvin and Patrick,
I am so happy as I sat there looking at the pictures of two very happy boys! And I am sure two happy parents! What a mile marker today is! I can't wait to see and play with "two boys"! I love you Calvin and Patrick! I love you to Andrew and Alaina! This has been a long journey that you have been on Andrew and Alaina, you are to be commending on your enduring love in the midst of many trials! Lots of Love, Uncle Peter
Congrats!! How exciting! We are looking forward to meeting everyone sometime.(By the way Rita is currently in labor so the Cummings Clan will probably grow by 3 boys today) The Lord is good!!
Mark, Shelly, Claire, and Brock
What wonderful news! And I of course think those boys are the most beautiful. I can't wait to meet them.
Praise the Lord for His wonderful works!
Love to all four of you.
Aunt Stephanie
Yeah!! How wonderful. We can't wait to meet them.
Oh Andrew and Alaina...I am so glad for you both as I know how hard and long this journey has been. I have tears in my eyes of joy of your beautiful baby boys!! I can't wait to see them in person!!
Praise the Lord!!!
We are so excited and happy for you all!!!! Michael and I prayed for you right before we went to bed and then I couldn't wait to get up this morning and see the news! It was so wonderful to click on your link and see faces of the boys appear!! This is certainly a day for rejoicing. If you guys were here we would have to have a party. We can't wait to hear and see more! With all our love, Heather
Congrats! I'm thrilled for you! =D
What wonderful news!!!! We are so excited for you all! We can't wait to meet those beautiful boys!
Congrats to the Falk Family of Four!!!!
i'm really overwhelmed with emotion. how great God is! i could not be more excited! several people from my school have been praying for you as well and will be excited to hear the great news! i love all you guys and can't wait for you to come home!
Welcome Patrick and Calvin! We love you and are so glad that you are part of our family. We have watched every step of your saga with interest and have prayed for this day every step of the way. We cried with joy for you all - congratulations Andrew and Alaina. We continue to watch and read with daily interest, as you hopefully post more pictures and day to day happenings.
Godspeed for your safe trip home.
Love Aunt Judy and Uncle Frank
Wow! This is so exciting! I am so happy for you guys! The boys are very cute. I'll be praying for your last days there and the long trip home.
I guess this means you will be home for the organization of the westside church!
See you soon,
Heather B.
Yeah! Congratulations! They are beautiful! I can't wait to hear about your first day together as a whole family (minus Pippy).
Wow! You are right!!! You do have the most beautiful boys! They are absolutely adorable!!!!! Calvin has the greatest smile, and Patrick the most beautiful eyes! Praise the Lord for your good news. We can't wait to meet them! Congratulations to you! I know you must be ecstatic!
YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Alaina, I'll send you an e-mail separately to ask about when you want meals!
What a wonderful, wonderful day it is!! Congradulations to you both. God has been preparing you for this very moment and has given you a lifetime of love to give to your sons. We are blessed through your family and our faith grows as we witness God's faithfulness to and through you.
Can't wait to see you all!
The Birds
Congratulations Andrew and Alaina!! I am overjoyed right now as I opend your blog page and saw beautiful pictures of your sons. How wonderful! I cannot wait to meet them soon - they have the most loving parents. We will be praying for your safe arrival back to the states.
Emily & Evan
Andrew and Alaina,
PRAISE GOD! I opened your blog this afternoon at the office, called Charlene at the front desk and she was like "Send it around" everyone should know!
Your little boys are absolutely ADORABLE! They both look so happy and they are just so adorable!
You two have had an amazing journey and God has been there the whole time guiding you and protecting you.
I can't wait for you all to come back to the states and you bring them to the office so we can all see them and give them a big KGR family welcome!
welcome to our covenant family cousins! God is so good! I can't wait to meet you! Love to all, esther
Andrew and Alaina, Great news and praise God. The boys are very handsome and know that they are loved. Alaina, Grandmother Doris gave me the web site. What an adventure!. Now will pray you have a safe journey, the boys will be calm as they put their trust in you both. Blessings. Carolyn Rockwell Shubat.
We add our congratulations, joy, and love to that of all the others who care about you and those sweet little guys!
God is so-o good! Those precious boys are gaining a wonderful heritage in both faith and family! And you are blessed with beautiful sons to lavish God's love upon!
Thank you for allowing us to share in your faith journey through your great blogs!
With our love to all four of you,
Uncle Steve and Aunt Carol
Andrew and Alaina! And Calvin and Patrick! We are so thrilled for you. Maddie and I discovered your post together and have been admiring your beautiful boys. She can't wait to meet the newest members of her generation in the Cummings Clan! Praise God for the timing! Can't wait to see more pics.
Emily, Franz, Maddie and Katie
I don't know whether to jump up and shout, or to sit down and sigh.
What a joy (and relief) to have this desire turn from something hoped for into accomplished history. Praise God from whom all blessings flow....
We'll keep "praying you the rest of the way home"!
ok, so the "anonymous" one that said: "i'm really overwhelmed with emotion. how great God is! i could not be more excited..." was me.:) i was just in a bit of a hurry this morning and apparently neglected to put a name on mine.:) i'm so happy! i was having a bit of a rough week, but that makes it all better!:) i love you guys! can't wait to see you!
What a "Happy Day." I am so happy for all of you. God is so good to us, isn't he? (The call from your Mother this morning was so appreciated.) I had been praying at 2:00 A.M. and what an answer to all of our prayers. God has been guiding you every step of the way. You are so blessed to have those beautiful little boys for your own. I will be praying for all of you as you get to know Patrick and Calvin all hours of the day and night. It will be fun, smiles and giggles. The pictures are fantastic. They are happy little boys. I will be praying that God will protect you for a safe trip home. I miss you and am so anxious to see Patrick and Calvin and both of you. God bless you.
Grandma Judd
Congratulations A. & Al.! We couldn't be more happy for you right now! Thanks be to God, for these precious gifts,
Oh I'm so so so so excited times a million to meet these guys! It's incredible, you finally have them! :D Love and prayers,
What a thrill to read this entry. Answered prayers. We rejoice that you will be home soon with two precious sons. Look forward to meeting them sometime and will pray for travel, adjustments and all that lies ahead. What a blessing!!!!
Hey Andrew and Alaina!
Kyle and I miss you guys!
We haven't heard a word from Ida since she dropped us off & I realize I don't have your email address, or Tamas and Marie's.
I want to make sure you guys are doing well. Sultan is just great, not sick anymore. We've been out a lot.
What's your email address? Mine for the trip is:
susieqz100@yahoo.com. Do you know your phone number?
Say hi to Patrick and a special hello to my main man Calvin.
Best from us-
Do you have a map? We think we're near the Chinese Embassy. We're on Furmanov Street. Right now it's Saturday night at 10pm.
Bye for now. PLEASE write back, I am feeling so disconnected from our group.
S & K
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