Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Surgery Date

I know, I's been over a week since we lasted posted. I have lots of excuses but even those will have to wait. We are spending some quality time as a family the rest of this week.

We did want to say that Calvin has an official surgery date of Aug. 20 - please pray that he stays very healthy (even a slight cold or cough could mean cancellation). We would also appreciate prayers for the surgical team, recovery, and general peace. You can read more about my thoughts here. Thanks so much!

We will be saving all comments for Calvin's Life Book/Scrapbook so please leave him messages. We know this will be awesome for him to read when he gets a little older.


Jen said...

Calvin, I am so excited that your parents have found a surgical team for you, and that your date for surgery has been schedule. I know it won't be fun, and you will have a hard time understanding why your face and mouth hurt so much and why you can't eat your favorite foods. May God give you a gracious attitude and great resiliance.
Andrew and Alaina, I am praying for you all. I can't imagine how nerve racking all of this must be as parents, but at the same time how relieving.
Patrick... have fun living it up with your grandparents :)

Jenna said...

Know that people in Colorado are thinking about you this weekend before the surgery (stay healthy Calvin!) and in this coming week.