Monday, November 17, 2008

Open House Pics!

I, of course, did not take nearly as many pictures as I hoped. In fact, we have virtually no pictures of the people who blessed us by coming to celebrate with us! We had about 50 people stop in (adults & children). It was so much fun!

The 3 brothers before it started - they couldn't wait for a party and as Calvin said with his hands outstretched, "All, ALL the people!"

Me with the man-of-the-hour. My hair was a little damp from my last minute shower. :)

The Food Table
Our menu: BBQ Pork Sandwiches, Macaroni & Cheese, Veggies & Dip, Apples & Bananas, Heart-Shaped Jello Jigglers, Tortilla Chips & Salsa, Potato Chips, Molasses Cookies, Iced Sugar Cookies, and White Cake w/Strawberry Mousse Filling.

The BEAUTIFUL cookies my mom made. She surprised us by decorating them all - it made me get a little teary. They were so cute and it was so thoughtful! They tasted as good as they looked!

The Cake - I love how it turned out!

The boys with one of their friends. I realized we've reached a whole new level of independence - the boys took all their friends upstairs to play with the toys. We barely saw them except when they wanted more food :) or when we checked on them. They had a blast!

Uncle Noah & Uncle Wesley with Patrick and one of our friend's little ones.

Our friend, Heather, loving on Ty. He was passed around and didn't mind at all.

Our family photo that arrived on the door step on Saturday. I had won an 11x14 print of a photo of my choice and had no idea it would come then! My dad took the photo (you've seen it before) and I sent it to a lady who touched it up, blew it up, and mounted it for framing. We are thrilled with it!
The five of us at the end of the evening. We were tired but it was worth it!

The star of the show. It seemed like he knew it was all about him - he worked so hard to stay awake. :) He took a couple of cat naps during the party but he loved all the attention and was a perfect angel. :) Oh and he slept for 10 straight hours afterwards (he's never slept more than 7) - I think we wore him out! His 3 month pictures are on the boys' blog.


Anonymous said...

It looks like everyone had a great time. I'm really sorry I couldn't be there.

Alaina said...

Hey! Don't even worry about it - it was a busy weekend for a lot of people! :) Hope your conference was great!

Heather said...

Great pictures! :) Thanks for a wonderful time.

Heather said...

p.s. Although - my hair was a disaster. . . :)

Barbie said...

Love all the pictures. What a wonderful day of celebrating such a handsome, blessed boy!! The food looks yummy by the way.

Mama10EE said...

What a beautiful way to celebrate! Looks like the day was perfect.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Wish we could have been there to support your growing family!

Kate Ambrose said...

Looks like a wonderful party! I loved the pictures. Congratulations on your growing family! :)

Heather L. said...

A great time and Ty was looking adorable. So, is the moral of the story to have an open house every time you want him to sleep?:)

Amy K said...

What a happy occasion! I love the picture and noticed it framed above the fireplace. How nice!

Thad and Ann said...

aw! You are a beautiful family! Ty is just adorable in the last pic. The food looks yummy, you went all out, wish we could have been there. :)
Congrats again, what a great day!

Holly Trawick said...

What a special day! Love the pics! Give all of the boys a hug for me.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family and day. The food looks so good. I just want to pick up a plate and start serving myself.

Kimberly said...

I love the family photo!!! Glad you had a great time, the food looks yummy.

I have a little something for you on my blog!