Friday, November 21, 2008

Moving Right Along

Well, since Thanksgiving wasn't such a great topic, I think we'll move on...

This has been a challenging week/month - Andrew is working hard finishing out the year and isn't home much or is working at home in the evenings. I don't know how single parents do it or how military families do it during deployment. They have my respect, admiration and prayers. I'm exhausted. It's not even that the kids have been particularly difficult - they've actually had a pretty good week, it's just long days. I do not resent my husband - my responsibility as his helpmeet is to support him. This is a decision we've made together and we discuss at the beginning of each week what will be late nights; we are grateful for his job. But we do look forward to the holidays and time together as a family - making memories, enjoying good food and spending time playing with our boys.

There has also been some bad news in our family today - one of my BILs was laid off from his job. His company retired or downsized 1/3 of their employees. We are praying for him to quickly find a new job and for peace for him and my sister.

So, I guess I'm feeling a bit down. Sorry...I think I need to think of some things I'm thankful for, so here are five things I'm thankful for:

- Andrew's work.
- Our boys.
- Beautiful flowers - lavender roses Andrew surprised me with last week!
- Dr. Y. headed to Korea to bring home their twins!
- A brother who can do car repairs.

I'm also thankful for God's faithfulness - no matter what I'm struggling with, how I feel or what has me down, He is in control.


B.D.Riehl said...

I understand your feelings. My husband is a police officer and hi favorie shifts are graveyard and swings (more action). God is teaching me to have Him be my rock, my one and only source of comfort and peace. I only have one little one, but sometimes when it's been a long day, I wonder what it would be like to have a normal schedule with a husband home for dinner;) But you're right: we are helpmates and it is a wonderful feeling to make your spouse's life easier just through support. God bless your joygul spirit, girl! You encourage me. And I love, love, love your blog because I LOVE to cook and read about cooking! I will be praying for your sister's family. Ugh. That stinks!

Heather L. said...

Oh no. I'm really sorry about the BIL job and will be praying for that situation. Hope your days goes well and the chili night is fun -- wish we could be there.

Anonymous said...

I read and enjoyed your Thanksgiving prep post! Your pies sound wonderful.

I'm sorry about your BIL. My father has been out of work since June. It is definitely tough.

Monica said...

Sean and I were just discussing the same thing. Knowing that there are so many families who would give anything to "have to" work late, we have nothing to complain about.

I don't know about you, but the holidays are coming at just the right time:)

Andrew said...

Five things for which I'm thankful today:
1. A supportive, loving, beautiful wife to come home to at the end of long (and sometimes exasperating) days.
2. A girl who loves to write, bake, and take adorable pictures, and is good at all three (see #1).
3. An awesome mother of three very active and demanding boys (see #1).
4. Those three very active and demanding boys (who are also sweet and loving, too).
5. A job that helps provides for our needs, and that I enjoy (most of the time).

Paula said...

I know what you mean about it being long days. My hubby is working a lot lately and its a lot of work being a mom. I so appreciate it when he gets home and can help me with feedings and diapers and stuff.
You're pie recipes look so delish!

Paula said...

P.S. Awwww, I just read Andrews comment. What a sweet hubby!

Jenny said...

I have also wondered how military families do it. I don't think I could!

I wanted to let you know about the contest I am having right now. It is for a two week taster pack of Glow Mama drinks! They are great for moms and pregnant women. Stop by and enter when you have a minute :-)

Mama10EE said...

Having grown up in a military family and now having a family of my own, I admire my mother more and more. My husband only works late one or two nights a week, but it always seems that those are my worst days at work!

Sorry to hear about your BIL. I always say that I am thankful for my job, even though there are many days I don't particularly like going.

Andrew's comments were so very nice. We are doing the paper turkey this year at my in-laws, I am so excited to see how it turns out!