This is officially my 1,000th published post which is very hard to believe! So much has changed over the past several years and I've had a bit of a love/hate relationship with this blog and blogworld in general. I've happily just kept this blog personal and will eventually merge the boys' blog here, since I don't write over there much anymore. Overall, it's been really good for me, it's been a wonderful way to chronicle some of our family's life, and I've made some great friends.
I will spare you 1,000 things about me or any other such post - I'm really not that interesting. Instead, in honor of this monumental post and to thank you for stopping by and making blogging fun for me, I'm doing a giveaway! I will draw two winners!
The two winners will each receive a few of my favorite things:
- $5 Starbucks Card
I will spare you 1,000 things about me or any other such post - I'm really not that interesting. Instead, in honor of this monumental post and to thank you for stopping by and making blogging fun for me, I'm doing a giveaway! I will draw two winners!
The two winners will each receive a few of my favorite things:

Here's how to enter:
- Leave a creative comment about whatever you would like - "pick me" or "enter me" will not win. :) I would love to hear about how you came to stop by here, how long you've been reading, etc. It's a great time to introduce yourself!
- One comment per person, please.
- I will close this giveaway on Monday, April 5.
- Two winners will be randomly drawn and contacted.
- You must have a U.S. address to win.
- The prizes will be mailed after I am back in my house - so please be patient!
You can't win if you don't enter! :) We are planning to go to the zoo today. See you later!
Oh, my gosh, it's been so long and I'm lying but I don't remember.
Maybe it was MPM. But I'm glad I did.
I feel like your my favorite neighbor.
Pick me!
Favorite things about your blog:
you're always honest
great recipe ideas (here and at the Cooks blog)
funny stories
supercute pictures of the boys!
So glad I got to know you and the whole Judd family! I am blessed to know you guys!
I have been reading your blog for approx. 7mo. I really enjoy reading about your day to day life. I am also a Hoosier and have a little girl from Kaz! Pick me, I really want to taste your choc. chip cookies!
Well, I've been reading for 3 or 4 years, because I'm your sister. You inspired me to start a blog, and I'm always on here hoping for an anecdote about my adorable nephews.
Hmmmm I think I found your blog after Stacy and I started Two Hearts and you asked about bringing toothbrushes to KP. So that would be about 2 years I have been reading. I can't believe you have 1000 posts - whoa!
If you don't pick me, I feel you should pick your sister. Her comment made me laugh. :)
Wow 1000! I have been reading you everyday since you started posting. You have been an encouragement to me and I love your posts. KEEP IT UP!!!
Elizabeth Faris
When I started blogging, I used a gal's blog as inspiration and peeked in on the blogs she followed - you were one of them. I just loved your honesty, your love for your family and your meal plans. I love to cook (not as much as you!!) and love to read about your recipes and parties you host. I have been reading (though not always commenting) faithfully for over a year. Love your blog :)
Oh, I also remember you saying you read cookbooks for fun and I laughed because I can get lost for hours in cookbooks!
hope you had fun at the zoo. We met a friend and her little boy at the Oaklandon Play Park. it was very crowded but all the kids there were super well-behaved -- I saw no pushing or misbehaving at all.
Pick me!!!
Am I still in the running if I say, "PLease randomly choose me!"?
Kim and Ann told me about your blog a LONG time ago and I am so glad they did! Your friendship means so much to me. It is nice to get inspired by your creativity and super ymuumy cooking. I also enjoy seeing someone whose life mirrors mine in so many ways. You give me hope! LOL
Hi! I've been reading your blog for while.....let's see....probably I first read when you were adopting the boys from Khazakstan, then not for awhile, then regularly for a couple of years. I love all the pictures you post of your kids, how you identify and appreciate specific unique things about each one, and your heart for adoption! You (and others) have made me think of adoption as a really cool journey that maybe someday it would be fun to be part of!
Wow!! That's amazing. What a great documentation of your life in the last few years. hope your week is going well!
Congrats on 1,000 fun! I too have a love/hate relationship with the blogging world...glad I'm not the only one. I started reading your blog more than a year ago when a mutual friend, who was praying about our adoption process with us, told me a little about you & your family. Thanks for being willing to share some of your life with us.
I started reading your blog 3 years ago, I think. :) You can pick me cause I'm a super awesome friend. :D
I started following your blog because of the connection to KZ & adoption. Amazing how God brought one of my closest friends into my life via *gasp* the internet. :)
hmmm... marge basically said exactly what i had planned to say... however, since i have posted on my blog more recently than she has, i believe you should pick me.:) 1,000 posts is pretty sweet!!
I started reading your blog when you went through the adoption of Calvin and Patrick. I loved reading the daily entries. I still love that but I also love all the recipes. I have cooked so many of your recipes and brought them into work. I will always tell your husband at work what new recipe of yours I have tried and how much we love it.
Tammy Froelich
I tried to leave a comment yesterday. . . . but it wasn't working for me.
Thanks for being such a blessing and insight to me!
Funny how we met IRL before I knew you had a blog at the first ever Kazapalooza. We sat at the table with you and your sweet family and I remember being so envious of your calm well behaved and your hubs were so friendly and I remember thinking that I wanted to get to know you guys more....and then I found your blog! I love your faith, your love for your family and friends and all the recipes! You are such an example to all the "young" women out there and to us olders but younger in the parenting realm ones! :)
As you know, I came to your blog through Catherine's blog, and BOY am I glad I did! It's been so great getting to know you through the bloggy world and I look forward to one day meeting you in real life!
We have a mutual friend, Mrs. Megan Myers, so I've meet you a couple of times and I love reading your blog. As a new momma myself, I appreciate your honesty and was encouraged to try cloth diapering and green living here in our home too! P.S. I love your cooking blog and go to your recipes regularly for good ideas! Thanks for all the good ideas:)
Well, about 28 years ago I entered your world and you know me quite well, so it's kind of inevitable that I'd be reading here. :) I mean, you're my big sister! I stop by all the time just to stay a little more connected. I love seeing pictures of the boys (even the one who isn't too fond of me...). I never win anything, as you know, so I think this would be an opportune time to break this decade-long spell.
Love to you all!
I've been a fan of your blog for several years. I think I started reading sometime around when you adopted your older two boys. I enjoy reading about the adventures of a family with three young boys, especially as I grew up with mostly sisters.
Laura P.(2RP)
During our visit out in AZ over the last week, I've seen just what it takes to be a mom of 3 kids. Last night Kyle and I babysat so Em & Franz could go out for some peace and quiet. One child was sick to her stomach, one was full of energy, and one was a screaming baby. All of the sudden, I am learning to truly appreciate what mother's go through. And you, a mother of 3 boys no less! I admire you, Alaina, and all that you have done and are doing. I'm so glad I have you in my family!
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