Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ear Infection

Yep, it's an ear infection. I didn't even consider that! He hasn't complained about his ear at all and had tubes placed last August - not because of ear infections but because of hearing. Anyway, one of the tubes came out of place but is still in his ear - in the canal instead of the drum. The doctor said his ear looks pretty bad and prescribed antibiotics. I'm definitely hoping that this will kick it and that all the symptoms are related to the infection or inconsequential. His fever is down this morning but we will alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen if it starts rising so high again.

He isn't eating anything, just drinking lots of fluids. We are going to have a low key day and keep him hydrated and resting. Poor baby. I'm glad I took him in - his ear drum probably would have ruptured before I realized it was an ear infection!

We haven't been to the doctor since the boys' 2 year old check-ups in August - right before Calvin's surgery. Most everyone knows us at the doctor's office and they were absolutely amazed at how good he looks and how grown-up he is. I beamed with pride and agreed. We are blessed, so blessed. Which is why I become a mama bear when my kids are sick or hurting, I want to protect them, make them well, make them feel safe and loved...I can't imagine life without them.

*The picture was NOT taken today - he definitely doesn't feel that good. He is cuddled up next to me watching Ratatouille - he didn't get to finish it before the doctor. :)


Anonymous said...

I hope he gets feeling better soon!

Heather L. said...

That's nice it's not the flu! I hope the meds work fast and Calvin feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that it was nothing too serious and that you got him on medication for it quickly.

Paula said...

Poor little guy. I'm glad you caught it quickly. Good job mom, hope he's feeling better soon.

Mama10EE said...

Poor thing! I hate that he is sick. It's so hard to deal with sickness in our babies...I just want to take all their hurt away and give it to me so they will feel better! I hope that lots of fluids, meds, and TLC makes him better soon. Sending hugs from WV.

Karen said...

Poor Calvin, I hope he's feeling better soon. And thank goodness you caught it before his ear ruptured. Yikes!