Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Good Cry

I'm having one of those days where I just want to crawl under the covers and cry. I spent over 2 hours driving in horrible weather and bad traffic to something only to learn it had been cancelled. It was time I didn't have and I had hesitated to even venture out. I had a message at home telling me that it was cancelled but we were already gone for the day by the time it had been left. Trying to make the best of it, I headed back towards home and stopped at a grocery store only to discover that they no longer carry the main thing I went for which was not only frustrating but has added to my list of things to do. It's been a beyond bad day in the midst of an already full and challenging week. I'm fighting back the tears and hoping the rest of the day will improve.


Barbie said...

I am sorry you are having such a rotten day. I will pray things cheer up for you. Maybe you should just snuggle under those covers and rest!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the curling up thing, though today is better than yesterday. Imagine how much better I felt yesterday when the boy who'd been put in his room indefinitely because he was being so awful was found sitting on his bed, listening to Bible songs on his CD player, reading his Bible. Sometimes there are days.......
Read a sad book/watch a sad movie and pretend you're just crying over that. :)

Katrina said...

*HUGE HUGZ* I'm so sorry that you're having a rough day ... it's been one of those weeks for me, where I just want to get the saddest movie and just cry and cry and cry (and have a "reason" to) I'm praying for you .....May God give the peace and energy and joy you need for the rest of the week...love ya

Paula said...

What a bummer, you get all the way there and its cancelled. Wishing you a better tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hope that your day picked up... I certainly have had those kind of days. Do something fun, even if it wasn't on your schedule (play with the boys, watch a movie, something)... and know that tomorrow will be better (or the next day...). And if that doesn't work, have you been reading any of the blogs of the folks who are now in Uganda with Compassion Intnl? I read some this morning and they really put my day in perspective!

Monica said...

Alaina, I'm soooo sorry. I tried to get a hold of you. I lost your cell phone number. Thinking back, I should have tried your mom's house:( I do hope that this day is quickly forgotten.

Come on spring!!!

Catherine said...

I'm sorry Alaina, that stinks! I hope the rest of the week goes better for you!

Mid-Life Mother said...

That's a rough day. I've been having some of those myself. Hubby and I watched that movie The Pursuit of Happyness last night and I gotta tell you it put our troubles into perspective. Awesome movie! Even blogged about it today:)

I said to him last night, "tomorrow is a new day" and today he has a new job! Praise the Lord!

Thanks for entering my giveaway the other week!

Kate Ambrose said...

Sounds like a no good, very bad, terrible day! I'm so sorry :(

I hope you can get some rest tonight! It sounds like from your previous post that you've got quite a hectic week, I hope the rest of it goes better than today!

Heather said...

I hope your today was better, and that the party is fantastic tomorrow. I know you will have fun. I can relate, as my "cry day" was today. I felt bad for Steve. He kept coming by and the tears were rolling!!! I cannot wait to read about the boys party.