Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Picture Post

Fun in the Snow!

Hot Chocolate to Warm Up!

This Guy Turned 5 Months Last Week - Check Out His Pictures Here!


Smith Family Blog said...

I can't believe he is 5 months already!!!

Jill said...

Wow Alaina!!
Everyone is getting so big!!!
Hope they are enjoying the snow!
Hugs, Jill

Mama10EE said...

LOVE Patrick with the two spoons! What a goof :) They are adorable Alaina, and get cuter every day!

Anonymous said...

I love that in almost every picture of Titus his mouth is at least a little bit open. It's like he just can't wait to start talking and telling you things!

Jessy B. said...

Aww, I love Ty...he seriously has to be one of the cutest little guys ever!