Thursday, March 12, 2009

Does It Get Better Than This?

Dallas: Part 1 :)

Andrew decided to upgrade our rental car to a convertible.
The weather was gorgeous - a couple of the days were in the 80s!

Enjoying our fun ride with my very pale skin!

My sweetie of seven years!


B.D.Riehl said...

Oooh fun!!! Can't wait to hear the rest!

Anonymous said...

Mhmm... that does look nice! Reid and I have a four day weekend coming up and someplace warm (without the prospect of snow flurries) is definitely what I want... even if we have to drive all day to get there!

Amy K said...

Looks awesome. I used to own a little convertible and how I miss it!

Mama10EE said...

Oh man, that looks awesome! (And so do you!!). How fun to have a convertible.

Unknown said...

How nice. I would love to drive in a convertible.