Sunday, March 22, 2009

Looking Forward...

I'm starting the planning for some exciting things coming up!

A Nauryz Celebration - we will do this in a couple of weeks. I know it's past the actual time but we have been too sick lately to even think about doing it. We are planning to invite a few friends over to celebrate this traditional Kazakh holiday and I have several recipes to try for it! I can't wait!

Easter Brunch - this is the holiday I usually host for my family every year. My sister and BIL will be in town so I think everyone will be together. I like doing it as a brunch, I make a whole ham and then egg casserole, potato casserole, fruit etc. I love planning the menu, the table scape, place cards, and favors! I think I will be using green, blue, yellow, and maybe splashes of pink for this year.

Calvin's Birthday - he turns 4 in a month (how can this be?!)! I'm not sure how we will be celebrating but I know there will be an orange race car cake somewhere in the mix. :) We usually try to spend a day just as a family, so I'm really looking forward to that! I don't know if we will do a family party this year or not. Calvin has already ordered chocolate cake and would like some cars for a present - no surprise there!

I always get excited this time of year to start planning for the garden and the activities for the summer. Something about the sunshine and hint of warmth is just thrilling!

Anyway, hope you are having a blessed day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am totally looking forward to the garden too! And it is amazing that Calvin is turning 4! It literally seems like a few months ago that I found your blog and you were just returning with them both... amazing!