Monday, March 30, 2009

A Scare

Last night, the baby must have picked something off the floor and started choking on it. He still had air moving but he threw up a couple times, screamed & cried, and held his breath. He is okay but it was a terrifying few minutes. We never saw what it was and we were watching him when it happened, so I'm not sure. I'm realizing again how vigilant we all must be and I've been talking to/reminding the boys about taking responsibility for their things. So today, I'm once again incredibly thankful for God's protection and praising Him for His kindness to us.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he's alright. It only takes a second, hunh?

In response to your poll... I'm turning 30 in the middle of April and spend the actual day at school and evening in rehearsal! But hopefully the next night Reid and I can go out to a nice dinner.

Heather L. said...

That's so scary! I'm glad he's all right.

Gretchen said...

Scary! Glad he is ok.

Kim said...

There is nothing worse than a choking baby. It freaks me out so much! Glad he is okay.

Marian said...

Hi Alaina, just stumbled across your blog by way of another adoptive mom blog. God is so good...thanks be to Him for protecting your little one. Your family is beautiful. Looking forward to reading more! Stop by anytime for a visit.
Grace & peace

Amy K said...

That is scary. Today I was driving on I-65 and pulled over to the shoulder of the road because Clara was choking on an apple. By the time I pulled over she was okay but I was flipped out for a while there.

Monica said...

I can take about anything but breathing problems. You'll probably figure out what it is in a few days:)
I'm so thankful he's okay.