Monday, March 02, 2009

Pink Eye... in, we have pink eye for the first time. And the one infected is the one that has a high need for touching everyone and everything. Try as I might to keep his hands clean, I'll be shocked if most of us don't get it. I guess it was only a matter of time... :)


Heather L. said...

What a bummer! i remember getting that frequently when I was a child.

Unknown said...

As you know we now have a big kid so we went through this one. I did manage not to get pink eye. I'll keep positive prayers and thoughts for your.
But with such cute faces we just have to hug and kiss them...don't we? lol

Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

I love reading about your life with three. Every post/day is so different. I'm getting so excited about this weekend!

Micah said...

Oh. No. And not exactly at the perfect time either :-/. Just keep praying!!! And washing hands =)

Kim said...

ICK! Hoping it doesn't make the rounds!

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking about you... pink eye is so itchy!

Mama10EE said...

Oh man! If it isn't one thing it's another right?! Here's hoping this is one time that the boys don't share :)

Jean Marie Bibby said...

We have had pink eye so many times! All we have to do is LOOK at someone with pink eye!

Wash everything! Pillowcases, blankets, hands, stuffed animals EVERYTHING! The last time I sprayed all the door knobs with Lysol. I actually avoided getting it when the kids got it. Before Krista was born I missed a blanket in the car and Luke ended up getting it twice that round :-(.