Monday, May 25, 2009

Countdown to 30

In one week, I will turn 30. I've spent the last year getting used to the idea...yeah, I'm still working on it. I know it's no big deal to some people but I loved being in my 20s and I'll miss being a 20-something. So, in celebration of my big (to me) birthday, I'm hosting a giveaway every day this week! The giveaways will represent some of my favorite things and the first one will be tomorrow. Stay tuned for an exciting week and welcome to my week-long blog party! :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome (soon) to the thirty-something club! I promise, it's not so bad!

Holly Trawick said...

I agree with Jenna, being 30 something isn't too bad. Welcome to the club!

Jenny said...

Yay for a week of birthday! Don't worry, 30 isn't so painful once you actually hit it. Just another number. :)

Jennifer said...

Wow, you have accomplished so much already. I would never have guessed you were still in your 20's as you have three beautiful children, and you have such wisdom and grace. (Most of us- ok, maybe just me!- were still fumbling around in our 20's!)

However, I must agree with the women above that although the 20's were fun, the 30's are even better. (And I'm trying to keep that perspective as the 40's start to arrive.) (smile)

Mama10EE said...

I agree, the thirties club isn't that bad. And at least on most surveys we don't have to choose another category, since most are 27-34 or whatever :)

Courtney said...

I only have about 6 months to get used to the 30 idea. I am like you, in the fact that I have loved my 20's and I am not ready to give them up!