Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Energizer Bunny

Don't you just love productive days? I feel they are few and far between these days...something about three kids... :) Anyway, yesterday was one such excellent day. The kids were super cooperative and even helpful! We've had a tough few weeks obedience wise so this was a welcome change. Here's the checklist:

- 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded, and nearly all put away (almost never happens all on one day!).
- Boys' room de-junked, cleaned, and vaccumed.
- Pantry de-junked, tidied, and swept.
- Play area & downstairs tidied.
- Meals made.

The boys helped with gathering laundry, cleaning their room, and general tidying. As a "treat", I let them vaccum a little which they thought was great! Don't you love how easy they are to please at this age? For real, I haven't had such a day of accomplishments for a LONG time. It felt so good!


B.D.Riehl said...

Good job! Those days are so hard to come by. I got tired just reading your list!

Mama10EE said...

When you are done with that Energizer Bunny, send him my way. I could really use a day like you had!

Jodee said...

Wow! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Some of us can't imagine getting all that done in one day even without kids!

Alaina said...

Anonymous - it really is the rarest day ever. :) Most days I get almost nothing but meals and kids cared for. :) So yeah, it definitely hasn't been repeated again this week and probably won't be any time soon...