Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Story

Once upon a time, there was a family with three little boys and one little dog. The dog came first and she was well loved by the family - especially the oldest boy. The dog shared a birthday with the boys' nana. The nana, not being a particular fan of dogs, did her best to appreciate but not be in charge of the little dog. Unfortunately for the nana, she had to dog sit for two weeks when the youngest grandson was born - a task she handled but did not particularly enjoy.

One fine day, the oldest boy asked the nana if she loved mommy and daddy and him, and his brothers to which she gave an emphatic yes. And then the boy asked the nana if she loved his favorite little dog. The nana, who is always very truthful, said no. The boy was so sad and for weeks he would ask his mom, his dad, and his aunt if nana loved his beloved dog. The boy could not understand. The aunt tried to tell him that the nana liked the dog sometimes to which the boy said, "but sometimes she doesn't?" And he would continue to ask.

The mom wished that the nana had answered a little differently - maybe even with only half the truth (which is a lie but this was getting very difficult and the boy was very sad). The mom talked to the nana and suggested that she might change her answer and the nana tried but the boy did not want to talk to the nana about it.

Finally, the boy told the nana that he thought the dog would like to have a surprise. The nana asked what the dog would like. The boy told her that the dog would like a new toy. And the nana asked if she bought the dog a present if the boy would know that she does like the dog sometimes. The boy said yes. And the nana bought a toy for the dog that isn't her favorite. The mom laughed and thought it was a good and funny solution.

The End.


Mama10EE said...

What a story! Kudos to the author, and the ever-wise Mama

FarcinsFollies said...

I know exactly where your mother is coming from. My son and his wife just got a new dog that they are absolutely in love with and I can just "tolerate" dogs. They take it with them everywhere and I am having a hard time!! (Miley is not exactly the grandchild I am hoping for). I am going to try very hard to welcome this dog to the family.

B.D.Riehl said...

Ha! Too funy:) What a good Nana! Truthful and wise.

Holly Trawick said...

What a great story... and memory!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that nana is "coming around".

Jenny said...

good idea, nana. way to make peace with the grand-dog.
(my mom included my brother's cat on pictures of the grandkids a couple Christmases ago...)

liz nelson said...

this is a good story.:)

Kim said...

That is hysterical!!!! Oh nana! :)