Friday, May 01, 2009

Do You Ever...

Feel like you aren't doing enough?
Wish for something?
Think in terms of blog material?
Wonder how many people out with their kids will blog about it later?
Feed your kids something you wouldn't eat?
Want to do something crazy?
Bribe your kids?
Disappoint yourself?
Find someone's embarrassing moment hilarious?
Indulge in way more dessert than any one person should have?
Enjoy reality tv?
Screen calls?

Just some thoughts for this Friday...oh and yeah, me neither. :)


Heather L. said...

Yes to just about everyone. :) Although, it never occured to me that people out with their kids would blog about it later -- but now I'll be aware of that. :) And, we just call caller id last week. :)

Catherine said...

All of the above! I'm glad I'm not the only one!

B.D.Riehl said...

Of course not! Glad to hear no one elase does/thinks these things either :) Happy Friday!

kitzkazventure said...

yep, almost all of them...ummm, I mean No, I would Never....

Love the pic of you and Ty...he is such a punkin! Can't wait to meet him too. Still crack up that we were sitting with you at the Kazapalooza meal and didn't even know we were with blog royalty! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nope... not a one (says the girl who has jelly beans stashed in her desk drawer... a bag which is dwindling quickly!).

Mama10EE said...

Yes, to all of the above! I've definitely had those days before. Hope things get better, or calmer, or whatever :) And enjoy way too much dessert, it's nice to have a sweet ending to your day!

liz nelson said...

yes to pretty much all of them except the ones that have to do with having kids... since i don't have any.:)

Unknown said...

Sure, I do screen my calls, want to do something crazy and actually watch a soap opera sometimes.

Stephanie said...

Yes on almost everything, except maybe feeding my kids something I wouldn't eat. I always make it a habit to eat/try everything my kids eat. Even the baby food.