Last year, in a brilliant attempt at understanding this passion of our husbands, my friend, Becca, decided that the girls should start their own league. And so we did. And most of us had a good time. And we understood a little more. And we know more players names. And we even know roughly how good they are. And our husbands are proud of us and pleased they can talk about it with us. We still don’t know what a tight end does and we may never but we do know that starting the right one is important. :)
And so, it was with much anticipation that we hosted the annual FF draft on Labor Day. There were 12 guys huddled around their computers eagerly drafting their perfect team and 6 women chatting, asking each other advice on choices, and checking the cheat sheets (mostly printed off by their husbands) to pick another player for their team.
After the draft and the first week of games, I find myself strangely drawn back into the madness. I was disappointed that I lost my first game by less than a point and hope to do better – if only I had started different players! While I don’t read everything about every player, I do think about who to start and check on their status come Saturday. And yes, you will even find me watching some football and understanding more than I ever thought possible and yes, I’m actually enjoying it!
So here’s to another year of fantasy football – hope I win! :)
Would you believe me if I told you that losing my FF game this week by like a jillion points and trailing in the league's dust is actually part of my complicated strategy?
OK, just checking. :)
This year is going to be so much fun and so much better than last year! Ok, so it does help that I did win last week, sorry Catherine! Genius strategy by the way. Alaina you came so close, I couldn't believe it when I checked the stats on Mon! Maybe this week will be better! I'm looking forward to it. (I'm beginning to worry about how competitive this is making me.)
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