Saturday, February 23, 2008


Andrew was helping with a move today so...I took the boys to the Children's Museum which wasn't the best idea since it was packed. :) They had a good time anyway (I spent the time feeling paranoid that I was going to lose one of them!). Then we headed to my parent's house where the boys took a nap and I, very uncharacteristically, played video games with my brothers. The Wii rocks - it was only my second time playing it! It was a lot of fun even though I definitely wasn't very good. We also played Nintendo 64 Mario Kart - loved it and I even won against two very experienced brothers. I really had a great time!

Tonight, we played The Farming Game with Liz and Luke (sister & brother-in-law). It's similar to The Construction Game but I think we all agree that we like some of the nuances of the latter better. Both take 2-3 hours to play. :) We enjoy games so much! My family and especially extended family is a gaming family - always finding obscure, new games to introduce to the rest of the group (there are many of us). It creates such a fun atmosphere!

1 comment:

Mama10EE said...

We go to a game night with some friends at work and we played a fun game last time. It was called Man Laws and Women Rules and I got it at Kohls for $12 on sale. It was lots of fun and would probably be fun played in a family group.