Thursday, April 10, 2008


Lately, we've been really working to tighten our budget in order to meet some of the goals and plans we have for this year. The result? God reminding us that it is not our money but His. With two unexpected trips within 3 weeks and various other things, staying within the budget hasn't worked. Often this is stressful and disappointing to me but instead I have had a peace about it. Maybe it means we won't buy the exact vehicle we want or that we will delay our hoped-for 3rd adoption, but I'm okay with it (at least at the moment :)).

God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine with two fantastic children, a beautiful home, good jobs, and more than enough food and clothing. We even have a chance to enjoy some of the "extras" in life. It's easy for me to compare myself to others or see things as needs that really aren't - it's much harder to be content. So I find myself feeling overwhelmed with gratitude towards God's work and provision in our lives. And I know that no matter what the future holds, we are blessed and God will provide (maybe not the way I see fit but what He determines is best). And we will keep working on tightening that budget...


Heather L. said...

I often find it hard to be content about the budget, etc. i think you are right about focusing on God's blessings -- it helps to put things into perspective and keep us thankful for what we do have. I need to keep doing that!

Merrilee said...

Budgets, smudgets! They are so tricky! And why are we always working on tightening the budget and never on loosening it? Probably because it's much easier to loosen rather than tighten! I think you are right in focusing on all the blessings God has given you. Good luck!!!!

Monica said...

I think there is a lot of peace that comes from realizing one's limitations whether it's in regards to finances or giftedness or time...
And sometimes the best things are even better when you've waited for them.

Great post.

Paula said...

I like to think of budgets as guidelines. The problem with budgets is that life get in the way of them. Like you said, you have your boys, your DH and your health. Life is very good!

Micah said...

Brad and I have also really tightened our budget this year, and have been so discouraged at times with how the car just manages to break down when we just happen to have saved an extra $250, etc. Just think, though, what if you hadn't tightened your budget! That money wouldn't have been there, then it really would have been a stressful time! Isn't it wonderful how the Lord looks out for us and provides for us?

I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time lately. I know I haven't commented, but I have been checking on you, and praying for you even more. I can't imagine what a stressful time this has been. When I saw that Andrew's grandfather had died, I just couldn't believe it. When it rains, it pours. You will be so much stronger when this is all over. I hope the boys are doing well. I'm sure they are feeling your stress! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back to posting a little. I completely understand the stress of the budget. With the buying of a house comes all sorts of expenses that we either didn't know we would have or just weren't thinking about in the euphoria of purchasing the house! We want to get Reid's business up and running so that he can do that on weekends and evenings and baby care during the days (once we have children). But things work for a reason when and where they are supposed to.

Who knows... perhaps you were meant to delay your adoption plans or car plans because the perfect fit isn't ready for you yet.

Heather said...

Pray that you are feeling better emotionally. I am with you on the budget, new hot water heater and new sump pump recently. . . oh well. God is great and I am very blessed to have been able to afford both.

Barbie said...

We have been trying to tighten our budget too. It is so difficult! Our big downfall is dining out. We went out for dinner Fri, Sat AND Sun. Yikes!! And then I complain because money is so tight. Go figure.

Finding contentment is such a challenge but oh what a place to finally be!