Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm working my way out from under piles of clothing. I'm trying to switch out the winter clothes in favor of summer clothes - crazy when the weather has been so chilly today. :) I also had baskets of clothing waiting to be folded and put away. While I sort, I'm also making a pile to donate. We have way too many clothes for 4 people and I'm certain I am not being brutal enough. I still have a hard time getting rid of the boys' clothes for two reasons - first, I don't know what God has in store for us but mostly I'm too emotionally tied to them. :) I don't anticipate two the same age again so I really have twice as many as any one child could wear. Oh well, I'm working on it. Back to the piles...


Jen said...

Yes, would love to talk!! I have lunch plans tomorrow already. Thursday would be good or right after work on most days but that is like 6pm your time. This weekend is fairly busy.

Let's try to connect!!

Alaina said...

Thursday is bad for me. Maybe Friday after work? Feel free to call me and if it isn't a good time, I'll let you know! This weekend is busy for me, too! Can't wait to talk.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what I would suggest about sentimental clothing? Put them all in a bin and put them somewhere out of sight (a closet, an attic, somewhere). Then don't open for a specified amount of time. When you do go to open it, first think about what is inside. What outfits, shirts, etc are you looking forward to seeing and which ones do you not remember. Then open it up and keep the ones that you remember. Give the rest away.