Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Family & Misc. - Updated

*I guess I missed my blog birthday on Sunday! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, blog - you were started on a whim and here we are 4 years later! May there be many more! :)*
Today is preschool day but my oldest woke up not feeling quite right (swollen glands and tummy ache), so he is home. We are reading books, cuddling while watching Sesame Street and enjoying some low-key time together. T is napping and it's been kind of nice just enjoying C all by himself. He felt rather self-important and rather excited at the prospect of staying home with Mommy. :) And P felt rather important and rather excited about being at school by himself. :)

We ventured out to the Children's Musuem yesterday - I will NEVER go on a free day again. We have a membership but Andrew was able to go with us for a little while in the afternoon (since it was a holiday) thus deciding to go as a family on the free day. It was awful. I think the kids had an okay time - they were so happy Daddy could come but they were barely able to do anything they enjoy. It was so crowded which I can handle to an extent but it seemed that many of the people there were quite rude - I had to bite my tongue from yelling at a lady which isn't usually like me. Anyway, not worth it. We will find something else to do as a family next time...

What a blessing family is - I marvel at the amazing family I have been given. What a privilege to be Andrew's wife and my sons' mom.

I'm about 25% of the way to my $2,850 goal for Kazakhstan. Thanks to those of you who have contributed! I really keep having to pinch myself at how God has prepared the way for me to go and I'm so excited to continue seeing how He will provide the needed funds!

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