Monday, January 18, 2010

Opportunity of a Lifetime

I've delayed this news with the events in Haiti last week but I want to share with you a very exciting and big opportunity...

I'm so thrilled to have the chance to return to Kazakhstan this spring. After much prayer, counsel and consideration, Andrew and I have decided that I will travel to Kazakhstan with Two Hearts for Hope mission team April 30-May 9.

When we returned home from Uralsk, Kazakhstan in October 2006, we left a part of our hearts in Kaz and we were profoundly impacted. Our lives have never been the same and our view of the world was forever changed. We are indebted to that country for the gift of our boys and our hearts ache for the children that are still there waiting. This trip will give our family an opportunity to give back to the country and in a small way to bring joy to the children still in orphanages.

As a part of the Two Hearts team, I will be helping to build a playground, loving on kids, visiting the special needs orphanage and blind children's home and doing various other work. It will be hard, it will be emotional, and it will be an incredible experience. I am so blessed to have this opportunity! Things have fallen into place for childcare - I will miss the boys (and Andrew!) like crazy but they will be well-cared for which is a huge relief.

I ask most of all for your prayers as the team prepares to go and as we serve. Pray that our hearts will be prepared and changed. Pray that we will be successful in our work. And also pray that God will bless and protect all of us and our families as we are away from each other.

The cost of the mission trip is $2,850. I will be working to raise the money over the next couple of months and I'm so excited to see how God will provide! If you are interested in contributing to this trip (any amount helps!), you can visit my donation page at Two Hearts or you can use the good old-fashioned postal system.

So that's my news! I'm beyond excited and looking forward to April! I can hardly believe that I will have this chance to return to Kaz and to give back in this amazing way. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!


Heather L. said...

SO excited for you!!!

Gretchen said...

So exciting!

Thad and Ann said...

whoo-hoo! So excited about this trip! :)

Amy K said...

Sounds like an amazing opportunity. So glad for you that the doors have opened to do this.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Alaina! That sounds incredible. I will be praying for your trip.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you and for Kaz to have you for a week! Can't wait to read all about it.

Jen L said...

That's wonderful news! Yeah for you.

Anonymous said...

So excited for you!! I will be praying for you to be blessed and a blessing.

Too bad you can't stop by Thailand while you're on this side of the world ;-)

-rachel :o)