I will announce the winners sometime today or tomorrow and also contact them via e-mail.

1) 3 children's books - Calvin loves books!
2) 3 cookbooks - I can't do a giveaway without including these since I love to cook and bake!
3) 3 packets of seeds - spring is finally here!
Here's how to enter:
- Leave a comment with a way to contact you. You do not have to be a blogger to win.
- Tell me your favorite children's book, your favorite thing to cook or bake, OR your best gardening tip! (If your comment does not include one of these, you will be disqualified.)
- One entry per person.
- Due to shipping costs, I'm sorry to only be able to offer this to U.S and Canadian addresses or anyone serving overseas on a military base.
- As always, if you are friends or family, you are eligible to win, too!
This giveaway will close on Friday night at 11 p.m. I will draw the winners (3 different people) sometime on Saturday and post them here on the blog. I will also contact each winner. You will have 3 days to reply with your mailing address.
Enjoy and have a wonderful week entering all the amazing and generous giveaways!
1 – 200 of 331 Newer› Newest»My favorite kids book is "I'll love you forever"
Happy Birthday Oliver was my favorite kids book, but it's out of print... but my kids' favorite is John Pigs Halloween... :D
My favorite thing to cook...I love to bake chocolate chip cookies. Love It.
Children's book is hard to pick. I can't wait for my daughter to enjoy my Trixie Belden collection!!
Hmmm, my favorite thing to cook is Apple Pie! Mostly because it makes everyone so happy to taste it and smell it!
grayjones5 at yahoo dot com
My favorite children's book: Good Night Moon or The Runaway Bunny.
Hello, Wonderful drawing prize! My tip is for gardening. I don't use mulch and if I do, I keep it away from the base of the plant. Mulch attracts bugs to the plant. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
I LOVE baking bread. My Grandma taught me last year, and I haven't stopped since.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
~ Amy @ Memoirs of a Mommy
fav children's book- thank you mr. falker---or anything patricia polacco!
i love to bake choc chip cookies!!!
Our favorite children's book right now is Please Puppy Please! And I love both cooking and gardening too! ;)
My favorite book is Riki Tiki Tembo, and I love baking Christmas cookies to share with our friends and neighbors. Alas, I do not have a green thumb, although I keep trying. Thanks!
My favorite thing to cook is lasagna! Or maybe that's my favorite thing to eat, I forget....
My favorite kid's book: The very hungry caterpillar. Been my fave since my mom read it to me.
I have no gardening tips. Or maybe I do...plants need water. If you do not water them, they will die. This is why I have none.
Favorite kids book would be "I Was So Mad" by Mercer Mayer. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
My favorite book is "Fancy Nancy" and I love to bake and decorate cakes. (I almost like reading cookbooks as much as children's books.) I am still learning about gardening but my best tip won't always yield the greatest plants, but it will yield great kids...let the little ones help. You will be surprised at how interested they are and it is a great time to just be together and talk.
We love to read "I'd be your hero." I love how it has scripture throughout the story. I'm always looking for a good children's adoption book. All my babies are adopted.
We LOVE to make cookies around here. And popcicles (that's not cooking though...ha!). I love making a good Sunday roast for my hubby too.
I agree I will love you forever is my all time favorite!
Happy Birthday to your son three is a big milestone!
My favorite children's book is Goodnight Moon or any of the Arthur books. Thanks for a great giveaway! FlipFlopsChels@msn.com
Our favorite childrens' books are any books that have wild animals right now! Hopefully next week or so, my son will let us get back to talking animals and such! LOL!
My favorite thing to cook would have to be anything with chocolate in it - I love the old standby "no-bake" cookies.
My favorite book of all time is Where the Wild Things Are... which btw.. I no longer have *sob*
I am running a bloggy party right now too with tons of prizes! Come check us out!
Oh picking favorites is always so hard...
I LOVE the book Stellaluna - great children's book :)
I love to bake/cook just about anything - I'm a Pampered Chef consultant, I guess it comes with the territory!
I've got no good gardening tips as this will by my first year doing so :)
I love to bake. My favorite thing to bake with my kids is monkey bread. We also love to read but it is too hard to pick a favorite book.
My favorite book is The Giving Tree.
Great life lessons!
These are interesting questions, so I'll answer them all. It's tough to choose, but I think my favourite children's book is Where Is the Bear and my favourite thing to bake is huckleberry pie. My best gardening tip is to figure out which weeds are edible - that way you won't mind them so much (some are quite tasty).
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Love the author Doreen Cronin-she wrote Click Clack Moo, Giggle Giggle Quack, and Diary of a Worm among others...great books!!
I love baking brownies. :)
I'm a little addicted to buying children's books, but our favorite (me and my daughter) is The Skin You Live In.
Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! I love to bake brownies from a family recipe that has been passed down 3 generations!
I love goodnoght moon.
Dr suess's sleep book
Great Prize!!! Thanks!
The Secret Garden
My favorite thing to bake is definitely all kinds of cookies, and I am really getting into scones! But I am still working on the basics! :)
Great giveaway!
Oooh, I love to cook & bake to and my favorite would have to be Lemon Cream Pie or anything sweet! I also love to garden as well and a tip I have is to plant your herbs in a container or pot then place it in the ground to help control them from spreading (I had mint growing in the middle of my yard lol) Feel free to stop by my blog Yummy Things & Cupcake Dreams I am giving away a Rachael Ray Garbage Bowl with a RR Cookbook.
Take Care,
we're planting an organic garden, + starting to compost. my tip is to use native plants + only water earlly in the morning to prevent evaporation.
come by my blog + enter my "earth day giveaways" worth over $2,000
including 10 gorgeously green books that are going to be featured on oprah tuesday, earth day 4/22 + the brand new method planet friendly baby care products that are going to launch on earth day + a home detox book called "squeaky green", a dyson vacuum, eco-friendly carpet, $250 in organic beverages + $150 whole foods market gift basket
I love to bake...EVERYTHING! I don't have a favorite. I just love to bake.
Check out my giveaways!
The children's book that I hate to love is "I'll Love You Forever". I cry every single time we read it.
My favorite childrens book is Where the Wild Things Are. Loved it when I was little and bought it for my daughter.
My fave childrens book is "You Are Mine"...i love that story!!!! Thanks soo much for this chance! What a big giveaway!!!!! :)
10 Hungry Monsters is my favorite little kids' book. Love the rhymes and pictures!
And well, you know that I love to bake pie! (I'm still upset that that pie plate broke!)
I love to cook as well. My favourite thing to make is my chocolate almond nanaimo bars. The recipe is on my web site.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
I like baking anything chocolate: cakes, brownies, you name it!
Well right now, my favorite thing to cook is "Chicken Noodle Hold the Soup." It's a Rachael Ray recipe, you can find it on her website. I've made it 2 times in the last week...it's delish!
And my favorite children's books are the Fancy Nancy series. My girls adore them!
Our current favorite children's book is Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. (By "favorite" I mean the one my toddler always chooses to read!)
My personal favorite children's book is Harold and the Purple Crayon!
Thank you for your giveaway!
favorite book is where the wild things are..favorite recipe is anything that doesn't get baked..favorite gardening tip is to use fake owls to scare away eaters of your stuff
Fav children's book: Courdory
Fav food to make: banana pudding
Gardening tip: Water!!
Sorry, I am not much of an expert when it comes to gardening!
My email is in my profile.
I have so many favorite kids' books. right now we like anything by Lauren Child!
I love children's books, I don't think I could possibly narrow it down to ONE favorite, but right now one of my dd's favorite (that I also love) is The Quiltmaker's Gift.
My favorite children's books are the ones my kids asked for over and over. Baby Dear, I Was So Mad and Goodnight Moon. Can't wait to read 'em to my grandchildren.
Cookies are definitely my favorite thing to bake! Mmmmm chocolate chip oatmeal......
My favorite all-time children's books are Madeline L'Engle's books, some of which stir the mind and others of which stir the soul. "A Ring of Endless Light" would be my favorite of hers.
Around our house, our favorite book is My Big Book of Things that Go.
Or a construction book from the library!
P.S. Happy Birthday, Calvin. It's fun to be three!
I can't pick a favorite (I don't think) but Dr. Seuss will always be my favorite children's author. Please count me in!
amateurdelivre at gmail dot com
My favorite children's book... that's hard to pick! We own hundreds (I used to teach elementary school) and I love almost all of them for one reason or another. But okay, if I have to pick? Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers.
And just for fun? I'll answer the other questions too. My favorite thing to cook is lasagna, and my favorite thing to bake is brownies. My favorite gardening tip isn't very helpful though. It's this: "Get my grandmama to grow it for you!" (LOL! I did NOT inherit her amazing green thumb, but I try every year to grow something.)
fizzledink AT gmail DOT com
Hmm. Favorite children's book Charlotte's Web hands down!
I also love to bake (cooking is okay too). I love to cook breakfast foods!
Come over to my blog to sign up for my giveaway!
I love so many children's books, but on of my favorite is Corduroy.
It's been awhile since I read any children's books but I remember one I loved. I think it was called Are You My Mother? Being a wildlife rehabber and "mother" to lots of baby birds, I sometimes see a bird in the wild and ask--Was I Your Mother?
Great blog and great giveaway.
I started gardening with raised beds. Much easier on my back to have alittle ledge to sit on while weeding!
My favorite children's book is Owl Moon, my favorite thing to bake is cheesecake. And I don't have a gardening tip...I'm the one who's always looking for tips from others. Great giveaway!!!
My favorite children's book is Each Peach Pear Plum.
Ooooh! I have to go with the same as the 1st poster! "I'll love you forever" is an awesome book. I even did a post on it once!
Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me!
Come enter mine for $25 for ebay!
I love to make rice krispies! They take a few minutes and they are so delicious. However, they are terrible for my dieting.
My favorite kiddie book is Where the Wild Things Are!
My favorite children's book is Goodnight Moon.
My favorite thing to bake is banana nut bread.
Goodnight Moon is a favorite book here. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite thing to bake.
Happy birthday to your little guy!
Ok, so it is corney, but I have always loved Dr. Suess. My favorite is Green Eggs and Ham, because I have a son named Sam and it is fun to say "That Sam-I-Am" to him all the time, lol.
Well my son's favorite book was "Caps for Sale" my daughter's was "Noisy Nora"! Love those!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite thing to bake is my chocolate mint brownies...YUM! :)
My favorite children's book is probably Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Can you tell I tend to be on the pessimistic side of things? lol I do love Dr. Seuss too though.
I love to bake... if it's got some combination of chocolate and peanut butter, I'm a happy camper.
How Fun! Well, our favorite children's book author is Shirley Hughes, all her books are GREAT!
Have fun with the bloggy giveaway. I think I'm still burnt out from the last one! :) I'm not even going to let myself go and look. :) I hope this time you win something!
i LOVE achild's garden of verses. it was my fav as a child and now my fav to read to my children.
Cinnamon rolls!
I loved the Box Car Children series.
My favorite thing to cook/bake is homemade macaroni and cheese. It is just such a comfort food, and reminds me of family!
Andrew Henry's Meadow by Doris Burns
sushi and also tapioca pudding (not at the same time)
pulling weeds after a soft rain
I love to make brownies. Thanks!!
Amy @ http://prettybabies.blogspot.com
Hmmmmm..... right now one of our favorite books is 'I love you through and through'
threeofakindblog at gmail
I love to make Fudge- it is so easy and fun to eat or giveaway!
My favorite thing to bake is cupcakes!
Our familys favorite books are the Little House books. We love them!
My favorite childrens book is 'are you my mother?'.
To cook/bake: I love to make enchiladas! Try these, you wont be disappointed: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=1611704. Adults and kids both eat them up!!
Happy carnivaling!
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
Right now a favorite for my son is "There's a Monster in my House" in the Usborne series.
My favorite children's book is the Giving Tree. I cry every time I read it. I also love If you give a mouse a cookie. My favorite thing to bake is yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.
I love baking sugar cookies and then topping them with store bought cream cheese frosting. Yum!!
I love baking cookies, especially with my kids. Although usually half the dough gets eaten before it can be baked. :-)
Favorite kids book... I'll love you forever, by Rober Munsch
My favorite book to read with my kids is "I'm coming to get you". And my gardening tip? PREEN. We spent Saturday pulling weeds and dead stuff from the flower beds, and if it were going to be warm today, that's what I would be doing again. But alas, it's still cold here, so we take the warm days when we can get them.
Love your blog! Its always fun to find new ones to read!
My favorite kids book when I was a kid or now?! I'll go with when I was a kid: The Monster at the End of the Book, featuring Grover!
I have to say that my favorite thing to bake is any type of dessert. I have a major sweet tooth of which course my hips and thighs hate!
I love to bake cookies with my kids. My favorite is snickerdoodles.
katie_mmartin (at) yahoo [dot] com
Let's see, I love reading Click Clack Moo Cows that type with my dd. She loves the animals and the story even makes me giggle!
My favorite Children's Book would have to be . . . . oh it is so hard, ok - The Hungry Catapiller by Eric Carle - he is my favorite Children's Author! :)
I love to bake EVERYTHING! Especially new recipes. If I have to pick one thing, I'll go with chocolate chip cookies, because I never go wrong with my husband if I make these!
My favorite children's book is Pokey Little Puppy and I love baking cookies.
Two serious favorites around here are "Bad Kitty" and "Poor Puppy". This is a great give away!
Okay, I'm going to try really hard not to slobber all over this post but my ABSOLUTE fav, fav book for children and adults as well is "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo. We've read it in my adult book club, I've read it to the 4th grade, my daughter had a summer book club we read....yes, edward tulane, I've read it to a 4 year old. Beautiful pictures, wonderful life lesson. Buy the hardback! I ADORE children's books. any age, any genre. Great giveaway. Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Calvin!
I love Madeline books.
Hard to pick a favorite children's book. I really like "The Kissing Hand", "If you Take a Mouse to the Movies" (and all others in that series), the Little Golden Books, etc...
DESERTS!!! It's kinda hard to make to many deserts. My favorite desert that I've made is Turtle Squares. If you don't like mint and chocolate than this is not for you.
My favorite thing to cook is Pineapple Upside-down Cake. My Very Dear Hubby and The Princess love it!
I love to bake pies. Whether they are sweet or savory...I can make a killer apple/blueberry/chicken pie. My mouth is watering just thinking about it...lol
I saw someone mention Trixie Beldon...loved those books! Can't forget Nancy Drew either!
My favorite thing to bake is cookies (also my favorite thing to eat!)
I just love to cook. I make a ton of good and yummy things. My favorite thing is vegan BBQ Chick'n pizza. I start with a pizza crust (either homemade, my personal favorite or the pre-made which is great if you're pressed for time). I then use a BBQ sauce instead of the tomato kind. I top with Morning Star farms chicken substitute and my favorite veggies. Things like onion, tomato, peppers and that. It's so tasty. Thanks.
My favorite kids book is The Giving Tree. My favorite thing to make is Chicken Quesadillas--it's easy to adjust it to each child's preferences.
I love baking cookies! Or, mixing up cookie dough, yum :-)
My favorite children's book(s) is the Little House series!
Favorite kids book -- Imogene's Antlers
Favorite thing to bake -- cream cheese pound cake
favorite garden tip -- COMPOST COMPOST COMPOST!
My favorite children's book is Socks for Supper. I loved that book as a child and love reading it to my children. I love to cook pasta dishes! I would love to win some books, please enter my name. Thank you!
great contest! our
favorite book is 'mikey in the night kitchen' ( at least this week it is)
my favorite childrens books are anything by Robert Muensch. Particularly The Paper Bag Princess.
We love food! We love to make it, eat it, talk about it. One of our favorite things is grilled meat of any kind with chimmichurri, a condiment typical in Argentina. Made with lots of garlic, some parsley, olive oil, vinegar, and salt. Mmmm, good! Just had some at lunch.
my favorite book is 10 Apples Up On Top by Dr. Suess, this was my childhood favorite!
I love so many children's books that it's hard to decide. I guess I'll go with The Chronicles of Narnia--I wanted to go to Narnia SO BADLY.
I like to bake chocolate chip cookies. Who am I kidding--anything chocolate, really. ;-)
We love Dr. Suess-ABC's, Fox in Socks...
My favorite item to bake is Peanut Butter cookies!
Oh boy!!! I would love to win! Pick me, pick me, pick me...
You can reach me at karaportilla@mac.com
Check out my GIVEAWAY at www.bringinghomeava.com
Childrens books I would have to say If you give a mouse i cookie and cordroy.
I love to cook I make mac and chees the most because my family loves it and a will not eat it out of the box
Does Harry Potter, Granola Bars and have a Mr. Polka Spot around to care for the garden count?
I love cooking/baking books. Cooking/Baking for me is a way to link to my roots and bring family closer together. While making gingerbread cookies at Christmas, the smell of the molasses reminded me of my grandmother's molasses cookies. We had fun eating them as a family. My favorite chef right now is Chef Duff from the Food Network/
My favorite thing to cook is Spaghetti Bolognese, with freshly made pasta (I love making my own pasta) as my kids love it so much Thanks for the giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I love to bake banana nut muffins. I would love to win the children's books. Thanks for the opportunity!
I love to bake my mom's rolls.
Favorite book: anything by Sandra Boynton
Favorite thing to cook: Banana Bread
Favorite thing to plant: Zucchini
I am an over achiever;).
My favorite children's book is the Little Bear collection-such a classic and darling.
I love to cook stir-fry! It's quick, easy, colorful and healthy (if you limit the sauces and stick to mostly spices)!
Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com
My daughter loves Horton Hears a Who! And I love Rachael Ray cook books! I love cooking anything in the crock pot!
And remember a person's a person no matter how small!
We love the Richard Scarry books! My boys (4 & 2) could pour over them forever. My favorite thing to bake is blueberry scones - yum!! Thank you!
I love to make homemade bread ~~ and a crockpot meal. I love Dr. Seuss -- and love to grow things in containers on or "off" my deck..... Thank you.
I love to bake fresh bread for my family! It makes me feel so good to be making this fresh each week from whole grains and know that they are eating healthy! Would love to win the cookbooks - they fascinate me! I could sit and read recipes for hours.
My favorite children's book is "I Love You Forever". It makes me cry even when I read it to my daughter!
Happy 3rd birthday to your son!
Can never have too many kids' books around the house - we really like the Sandra Boynton books, and one of my favorites when I was a kid - There's a Monster at the End of the Book.
my favorite thing to make (which is also my family's favorite thing i make) is my twice baked potato casserole...potatoes, bacon, butter, garlic and cheddar cheese...yummy
I've been enjoying cooking seafood lately...mostly shrimp.
One of my favorite things to bake are chocolate chip cookies with milk and white chocolate chips.
Cooking - I always have enjoyed making birthday cakes. Other than that, I'm more of a cook than a baker - I love my lasagna. And grilling - boy am I glad it's spring!
Gardening - I lack a green thumb but I am lovin' the Jiffy's little miniature greenhouse to get seeds going.
Kids' books - right now I'm reading Beverly Cleary to my 4yo. I grew up on Ramona Quimby and LOVED them, and my oldest has the Henry Huggins series. As for younger books, I love the classic Seuss stories.
Children's book: I'll Love You Forever - makes me cry when I read it. :)
I'm reading about Square Foot Gardening right now. Very interesting. :)
My favorite childrens book is Goodnight Moon just because my kids loved it so much and I remember snuggling with them as we read it. My favorite cookbook is Joy of Cooking. I give this to every new bride
Happy birthday to your son :) What a great way to celebrate.
My favorite childrens books are the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series. There are so many amazing books to pick from out there.
Thanks for the giveaway fun :)
You can contact me at - The Angel Forever
I LOVE children's books! My favorite to read to my children are the NO, David! books. I pretty much love them all though! sharlacarbine@gmail.com
Since I have no yard for a garden...
My favorite thing to cook/bake is green chile chicken enchiladas. Yum!!
I like cooking pasta. And salads, if someone else cuts the vegetables for me!
My favorite thing to cook is oatmeal cookies with my daughter.
I love to plant herbs and flowers.
I love to cook spicy Thai dishes.
One of my very favorite children's books is "The Crayon Box that Talked." It has such a wonderful message. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
My favorite think to cook is tin-foil dinners when we are out camping- My favorite children's book is "I'll love you forever" As for gardening tips I wish I had one- I could really use help in that category myself!
My favorite children's book is The Velveteen Rabbit.
Your giveaway is great.
My favorite thing to cook: I love to bake bread, from scratch and it sure tastes good too.
Happy Birthday Oliver!
My favorite book series is Life of Faith series.
The Monster at the End of this Book is so cute! I love and junk food cook books and anything Italian. Only gardening tip I can think of is water your plants!
My favorite thing to bake is brownies with crushed pepermint sticks on top. real yummy!!!
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite childrens book is I'll love you forever.
Enter me please.
HMMMM! I love to cook, but I am not sure what my favorite thing to cook is. My favorite childrens book is a real tear jerker...I'll Love You Forever!
My favorite children's book is I Love You the Purplest. I think it's so cute. My email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!
Give me a children's book and I'll read it not only myself but to my son...give me a cookbook and I'll cook or bake away all day.
I'm really into baking bread right now. Doesn't matter what kind it is I'll bake it. My son wasn't eating any bread at all for some reason so I decided to make my own...boy did he ever come running and now I can't get him to stop eating it. Oh well.
Have fun with your giveaway this week. Don't forget to come on over and enter mine too.
I love baking bread - especially cinnamon raisin.
Right now Brennan's favorite book is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" but who knows what it will be tomorrow. He is fickle. I like all cookbooks but anything to do with dessert is a bonus!
What a wonderful giveaway!
I have SO MANY favorite children's books - I love Goodnight Moon, Little Bear, any Tasha Tudor books, Where the Wild Things Are, and many more. For older kids, I love the Madeline L'Engle books and Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising series.
I love to cook brownies.
Email me - ms.johnsonmahs [at] gmail [dot] com
I love to bake cupcakes.
I just realized I forgot my contact info...
How fun! My favorite children's book is Love You Forever. It is so adorable and touching!
A very generous and wonderful giveaway for sure! There are so many great children's books out there but one of my all-time favorite has to be 'Are You My Mother?' by Dr. Suess.
My all time favorite kids book is 'Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon' by Patty Lovell and David Catrow. I read it to my kindergarteners at the beginning of every year!
Fav kids book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear. My daughter loves that book. It is so cute how she gets into it.
I loved "The Velveteen Rabbit". My favorite thing to cook is homemade pizza. I am not very good at gardening, so I have no tips. I try every year though.
My favorite children's book is Where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak
and I love to make cookies, any kind will do :)
Read was Journey to the center of the earth. Bake is soft chocolate cookies. Plant is plant per your zone.
Good luck to all.
Thank you for this chance.
I love making pizzas, and fruit salads.
InternationalFreebies.net == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com
What Mommies/Daddies Do Best is a favorite here! Great book.
My favorite thing to cook would probably be lasagna. Please include me in your drawing.
I love "The Velveteen Rabbit" and love to bake chocolate chip cookies for my kiddos and hubby.
My favorite kids book is Make way for ducklings and favorite food to cook is banana bread! :) zmama09@yahoo.com
My favorite thing to bake is a Strawberry Angel Bavarian cake that takes 2 days to make. Oh but it is worth it!
Our favorite book (my daughter and I) is The Giving Tree by Sydney Sheldon
As for gardening...that is not my strong suit but I can tell you that if you use worm castings on your fruit bearing trees it will keep the bugs and birds away.
My favorite books are The King, the Mice and the Cheese and Who Said Who Said Sue (children's books). My favorite thing to make is scones (great with a cup of tea!!!)
I can be reached at the URL associated with my name. THANKS SO MUCH!
My favorite children's book is "You are My I Love You". :)
My favorite children's book is "Where the Sidewalk Ends."
I love to bake pumpkin bread. It reminds me of being home with my Mom. I miss it!
I love to bake bread, rolls and all sweets these are a simple family favorite
GOLDIES(Blonde Brownies)
2 c Sifted flour
2 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c Butter or margarine
2 c Brown sugar
2 Eggs, slightly beaten
1 ts Vanilla
Combine first three ingredients and set aside. Melt butter in microwave or saucepan, add brown sugar, mix . Cool slightly. Add beaten egg and vanilla, stir just till combined. Stir in flour mixture. Spread in greased 9x13 inch pan.. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Do not overcook. Cool in pan. Cut into bars.
How about all 3? My favorite children's book is "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" My favorite thing to bake is Chocolate Truffle Torte Cake, and gardening tips... well.. there I can't really help. I'm desperate to learn to be a good gardener. Somehow I kill everything :-(
My favourite children's book is "There's an Alligator Under My Bed" by Robert Munsch.
I would love to win this! Please enter me.
Our current favorite book is The Pigeon wants a Puppy... And I love to bake - I make a pretty good chocolate chip cookie and banana bread.
My favorite kids' books are the Frances badger series by Russell Hoban.
I love to make lasagna, stroganoff, and all kinds of fattening pasta dishes.
I'd love to know even one gardening tip, but sadly, no. If I win the seeds, I promise to do some research and try real hard not to kill them.
book: the country bunny and the little gold shoes
bake: oh man...ANYTHING.
gardening tip: oi. really? thin the carrots even if you really feel like a horrible person for pulling out random carrots and never giving them a chance to reach their prime. :(
Mike Mulligan and his steam Shovel.
I can't possibly pick just one children's book! I love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Tikki Tikki Tembo, Is Your Mama a Llama...too many to count!
My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!
I love to cook homemade scalloped potatoes with ham and cheese in them, and I also like to make homemade egg noodles.
please enter me in the contest, galedrial@hotmail.com
My favorite kids book is "Only You". I read about it on a blog and decided to buy it and I love it. Thanks
My favorite thing to cook is quiche. I feel so European when I make it.
My favorite children's book is "Rikki Tikki Tembo".
My favorite kid's book is Blue Moose. My dad used to read it to us, and now I read it to my kids.
Our favorite kids books to read these days are Pea Soup Fod and You Can Do It, Sam.
well my son's current favorite books are the Peekaboo series, b/c he likes anything w/ flaps, and my favorite summer recipe is a pasta salad that you make w/ bowtie pasta, fresh vegetables and italian dressingya
I love to cook anything Italian from scratch.
My favorite children's book is Goodnight Moon, but my son much prefers Alien Al. :)
I love to bake twice-baked potatoes-simple but so good!
Name: Valerie
Email: Kawaiineko2008@aol.com
my family's favorite childrens books are "when you give a mouse a cookie" and "where the wild things are" my daughter lily loves both, and either asks for "the mouse" or "the monster book"
thanks ^_^
MY favorite childrens book has been "Are You My Mother. I have my 16 month old granddaughter here all day and had to get the book since I used to read it to my kids all the time. I got it and she has me read it every day, many times. I think I am getting tired of it!
i like to bake pumpkin bars with creme cheese icing!
My favorite thing to bake is old family desert recipes, cookies cakes etc.
My 2 favorite childrens books (because I can't narrow it down to 1) are "and Jake Baked the Cake" and "The Birthday Moon. Thanks!
Favorite children's book - Cat in the Hat
Favorite thing to bake - peanut butter cookies
sorry, no gardening tips.
Oh, I'd really like the seeds, but I'm lucky to keep the green things alive long enough to see them break ground. I'm better at cooking. I make some mean chocolate chip cookies with a hershey kiss in the middle. My mouth's watering just thinking about them.
email: melaniblazer@comcast.net
When planting tomatoes put a handful of bonemeal into the soil-tomatoes love the calcium!
Elaine R
My favorite book--dr suess' The Eye Book b/c it makes my son so happy!
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