Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Any Time!

That's the latest...so we could have a little longer or it could be any time according to the physical signs. :) The attorney and our adoption agency owners (one is a social worker and the other an attorney) met with C today and it went well. We are so glad! It looks like we will have to wait 60 days for the father's rights to be terminated since he doesn't intend to sign anything but no one seems worried that he will contest it (at least at this point). We should be able to come home after 1-2 weeks (once the paperwork is okay'd by both states). Anyway, that's our understanding!


Alicia said...

How thrilling! That is wonderful. I look forward to future updates.

Catherine said...

So exciting! But I do hope the baby waits until after the Fantasy Football draft! :)

Monica said...

Wow! I'm so excited for your family that I can hardly stand it!!

Kate Ambrose said...

That's wonderful!

So will you be staying in KY for a couple weeks then?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you! I'm sure those sixty days will be trying ones for all involved, but things have a way of working out the way they are supposed to... and I can just feel that this baby was meant to make your family a family of five (not counting Pippi of course!).

Heather L. said...

AAAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! This is so exciting! We can't wait to hear more news!

jennie said...

Very excited for you all. We will be waiting for the announcement that you are on your way!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! This is definitely something to be excited about!

Merrilee said...


And the countdown is on!!!!!!!

Barbie said...

Wow. Wow. Wow!!! I am so excited for you Alaina!!!!!! I will be checking your blog lots so don't think I am stalking ya. lol!!

Gretchen said...

Oh, that's so exciting! I hope the baby doesn't come a week late. :) Maybe we might see each other after all. Good luck. If you ever need to talk or need anything at all, let me know. :)

Kim said...

Very exciting! I am praying for a very smooth process!

Deb said...

Very exciting! Looking forward to seeing your newest arrival.

Karen said...

Like Gretchen and Chris, you soon will be blessed with 3 boys. Congratulations—very, very happy for you.